I'm going to kill Lenny

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Voices begin to reverberate inside by skull but I can't understand them. They're muffled like someone covered my ears with a pillow. I move my hand and bring it up to my face. If I'm in the med bay I'm willing to bet they have bright lights shining directly on my face. I mean it's the stupidest thing ever but people still do it.

Sure enough when my eyelids flutter open a surge of light floods directly into my eyes.

"Ugh," I groan pressing my hands against my eyeballs.

"Glad to see you're awake, Miss Jones," a voice says above me.

With one eye I peer up at Doctor Stein.

"I'm not glad," I mutter shutting my eye.

Stein chuckles.

"Well you should be! Savage dealt you a very deadly blow to the abdomen."

"How bad was it?" I groan trying to sit up. The med bay slowly comes into focus and I see that I'm on a weird sort of seat that functions as a medical examining table.

"Well your appendix is destroyed and you lost nearly a pint of blood by the time Mr. Snart brought you in," Stein explains.

He appears on my left, scurrying around the small area going between me and another subject.

My heart stops.

It's Kendra.

She keeps convulsing and moving around, screaming in her sleep.

"DOC WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER?" I yell forcing myself to sit up.

I can feel my stitches stretching and lemme tell you IT AIN'T A GOOD THING. Groaning I slip one foot off of my bed with one hand on my side.

"Miss Jones, I already have one critical patient," Stein says in a low voice, "I DO NOT NEED TWO!"

I roll my eyes.

"I'm fine, Doc. What's wrong with Kendra?"

Stein looks like he's about to throttle me but he slowly takes a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Savage attacked Kendra and Carter. Carter was murdered and Kendra was gravely injured before Mister Jackson and I could reach her."

I groan.

"Neither one of them managed to kill Savage with the knife?" I ask hopelessly.

Stein shook his head.

"Carter tried but it appears that only Kendra can kill Savage due to the fact that she was the one who tried to kill him with the knife before," Stein says sadly as he administers a sedative to Kendra. Her body ceases to convulse and falls back against the bed. Her face is contorted in pain and tear stains coat her cheeks.

I glance back at Stein.

"Well I think you've got your hands full here with Kendra, I think I'll just-"

"You are staying put, young lady," Doctor Stein says in a commanding tone.

I glare at him and walk towards the door.

"You don't need another patient to distract you, Doctor," I mutter upon reaching the door.

Stein huffs angrily.

"I can get Mr. Snart or Mr. Rory to pick you up and drag you back," He threatens as he cleans his glasses.

I watch as he gently blows on the glass spectacles.

"They won't do it," I say lying through my teeth. Of course they will. They'll do whatever they can to annoy me.

He chuckles slightly as he gently rubs a blue cloth across the glass gently wiping off fingerprints and dirt.

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