The Return of Boba Fett

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Well. Turns out I only broke four ribs. What a relief (insert eye roll here).

I took some pain meds, cleaned myself up and had a hot shower.

Then I ate the rest of Rip's "secret stash" of candy bars. He actually caught me but just gritted his teeth and told me that I deserved it.

I agreed with him and then he whisked me away from his office.

I got about halfway back to my room when the whole ship shook.

Which sent me flying into a wall.

Groaning I stood up massaging my healing ribs.

"What is it with you and getting injured?" A snarky voice says from behind me.

"I've been wondering the same thing, Lenny," I mutter back to Snart.

He smirks and gestures for me to walk ahead of him towards the main deck.

"Ladies first."

"Why aren't you going?" I joke back.

He rolls his eyes.

"I should've said, kids first."

"Meanie," I retort.

"Why do two always act like children when you're together?" Mick growls from behind us.

I laugh at that.

"What else do you expect, Elsa?"


"Elsa, yes I know," I reply; a slight edge in my tone.

I still hadn't forgotten how he wanted to ditch me back in Russia.

Mick huffs but doesn't say anything as we walk into the main room.

"Rip?" Snart calls.

Another crash echoes around the ship and I manage to grab a seat and hold myself up.

Mick isn't so lucky and bangs his head on the table. Growling curse words under his breaths he glares up at me from the floor.

"Quit it."

"Quit what?" I ask.

"Laughing," he snarls standing up.

"I was smirking not laughing."

"GIDEON!" yells Rip entering the main room, "WHAT'S GOING ON?"

Sara and Ray follow in after him and Sara makes a beeline for me.

"Where were you in Russia?" I question frostily.

Her jaw twitches.

"I was assigned to kill Stein by Rip but Snart convinced me not to. Then I helped Ray get out. Sorry, I saw Snart heading over to you and left."

My brow furrows.

"You were going to kill Stein?"

She nods glaring daggers at the back of Rip's head as the ship rocks again.


I follow her eyes and let my gaze settle on our leader's brown hair.

He was perfectly willing to sacrifice our team to stop Savage. I supposed some would call it determination but I think it's wrong.

We're supposed to be a team. But how can we become one if we have to be watching our backs even when we're around our "teammates"?

"Great," I mumble, "Can't trust anyone now or I might get stabbed in the back."

Sara shoots me a look.

"No. That's not what I said. I said you just can't trust is Rip. He won't hesitate to see us killed if it stops Savage," she mutters through clenched teeth as we both clutch the chair tightly.

The ship rocks again and Gideon's voice interrupts our conversation.

"Captain. We are being attacked by the bounty hunter, Chronos."

Rip growls in frustration.


We obey his command instantly and pull the metal straps over our heads.

Stein, Jax and Kendra slipped in while I was talking to Sara and quickly mirrored our actions.


The pressure forces me back in my seat making me feel as if an elephant is sitting on my face. My body feels as if it is being stretched and pulled in different directions. My eyes squeeze in their sockets.

"Idon'tlikethis. Idon'tlikethis. Idon'tlikethis. Idon't-"

"SHUT UP KAROLINE!" Sara screams in my ear.

"IGNITE ENGINES!" Rip yells.

A roaring sound is heard and suddenly I'm flying forwards.

Eight different "OOMPH" sounds echo around the ship as all of us collide with our seat rests.

"FIRE!" Rip cries.

Lasers explode from our ship's guns and hit Chronos's.

His ship absorbs a couple lasers before fire erupts from the side of his shuttle.

With a loud boom his ship goes into a nosedive and plummets through the clouds.

"Haha!" I crow.

Rip sighs happily and runs a hand through his hair.

"Alright now that that's been taken care of-"

"Captain," Gideon interrupts, "Captain we have a problem."

Rip's look of relief vanishes instantly. Coldness replaces it.

"What's the problem, Gideon?"

"Chronos a-appears to have-have damaged-damaged t-the engines."

Rip curses.

"Everyone get ready!" He calls over his shoulder.

"Get ready for what?" Kendra asks worriedly.

"A rough landing," Rip replies.

"Crashes are rough. Landings are not!" I yell over the sound of our ship's dying engines.

"THEN IT'S A CRASH LANDING!" Rip roars back.

The ship dips and suddenly we're flying forwards into the unknown.

Yeah I know it's a filler chapter...sorry but I just want to let everyone know that these next Arrow chapters are VERY DIFFERENT than the episode...just so everyone knows here are some things I will be changing.

-No Oliver Queen (yes sorry! Sorry! I know!)
-No Diggle Jr. (Again sorry! I'm adding a new character and if I keep him it will be too much)
-A NEW OC!!! (So excited to add her!!!) Her name is Veronica (Ronnie) Palmer!!! (Codenamed; Eclipse)
-Roy Harper will be making an appearance!!!!
-There will be some chapters written from Sara Lance's POV!
-Karoline's first kiss is coming up!

Gaaaaah this is going to be so much fun to write!!!


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