When No one Takes Attendance

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Usually when the hero is going into the final battle, they come up with a brilliant plan where a few things go wrong but overall it turns out okay.

Yeah. That's laughable with this group.

We almost never agree to plans and this occasion is no different.

The argument has gone on for long, precious, minutes and we are no closer to a solution than Snart, Ray, Jax and I were when we were locked in our cages. The only good thing we've done is go over the location of The WaveRider and Oculus.

But that's literally it. Everything else we've done is argue.

"So you are saying that we cannot destroy this machine because it could have already been predicted however we must destroy it to get rid of the Time Master's advantage?" Stein questions.

Ray's face contorts into a grimace before he nods and halfheartedly shrugs.


Stein raises his eyebrows and glances around at all of us. He sighs and moves a shaking hand to fix his glasses. Irritations radiates from him.

"Mr. Palmer that is a paradox!" He spits the last word back at Raymond who cringes slightly at the harsh tone.

"Be it as it may, the fact remains that the machine cannot be allowed to survive," Rip says stepping forward. His coat trails behind him nearly catching on to the floor, seeming to try to hold him back, wordlessly saying "no no, please don't let him talk".

"Much as I hate to say it, Rip's right," Mick growls. His beady eyes flick around to all of us. "We have to destroy it-before they use it to destroy us."

"Here! Here!" Ray cheers and we all stare at him.

"Here...here?" He says his voice trailing off and his smile fading. "Not a good time, huh?"

Kendra rolls her eyes and turns back around to face Rip and Mick.

"Say we go after it," she begins, briskness in her tone, "Who stays to fight the army of Time Masters and who goes for the machine?"

"Well it only makes sense that those who knows where it is should go!" Stein says making eye contact with me before glancing around the room.

I nod, outwardly trying to remain calm but inwardly wanting to crawl away and die. The thought of having to be in the same room as that machine, makes my stomach curl in on itself. Even though I will be going to destroy it, I'm already loathing the idea of going back there.

But that thought brings a partner. How do we even destroy it? We need someone technical because otherwise; I'm gonna just start pressing buttons.

"I believe our best choices for the mission to send Kari to navigate, Jax and Ray for the technical. If they encounter any enemies, I believe Miss Jones shall prove quite capable of taking care of them," Rip says.

My eyes fly to Rip, immediately. He sends me a genuine but brief smile before regaining his serious look. He takes a deep breath, preparing to launch into another load of instructions for the rest of the group. Before he can, Stein's sharp voice pierces the air.

"But where is Jefferson?"

I whip around, searching left and right for the kid. My stomach drops as everyone else joins in the search, looking around the dim room. Apprehension and fear slowly appears on each face. Sara and I make eye contact briefly and trade desperate looks before scanning the room one last time. But it's no use.

Jax is gone.

"Jefferson!" Stein yells over the murmurings of our little group.


"Stein." The older man looks at Sara, his eyes filled with a mixture of panic and tears. The woman's face soften slightly.

"He's not here."

"Jefferson," Stein whispers, his voice breaking. He looks around at us one last time, searching for the boy he had come to see as a son.

But he's gone.

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