Little Lenny

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"We're here."

My head jerks up off my shoulder.

Groggily I peer around the shuttle and see Snart slowly gets to his feet.

"I'm going in alone," he says glaring directly at me.

I yawn and slowly stretch.

"Knock yourself out, Lenny."

He eyes me suspiciously but exits the ship anyway.

I wait about thirty seconds before getting to my feet and walking towards the door.

"Hey, Snart said to stay here," Mick growls slowly picking up his gun.

"No," I counter as I send him a small smile, "He told you to stay here."

Mick's eyebrows furrow in concentration as he tries to remember exactly what Snart said.

"Mull it over, Einstein," I call over my shoulder as I hop out of the shuttle.

"I think you're wr-," he mumbles but the door is already shut.

Grinning I skip through the front yard towards the door. The house is dark and menacing; warning me to stay away but I just keep walking forward. A slight breeze blows serenely across the yard gently tugging at my jacket. I pull it closer around me as a nervous excitement begins to arise within me.

Where is this anyway?

I reach the front door and see it's locked.

Thanks for nothing, Lenny.

I bend down and carefully pull a bobby pin out of my pocket. Carefully I insert it into the lock and as silently as possible I jiggle it around.



The door swings open and Snart glares down at me his hand on the doorknob.

I peer up at him from my crouched position and smile widely up at him.


He continues to glare as I cough awkwardly and stand up gently brushing off my jeans.

"Fancy seeing you here," I mumble, "Never would've-"

"Get back to the ship," he snarls.

"No," I snap back crossing my arms, "You were the idiot who kidnapped me and I refuse to just sit around like a little damsel in distress when I can be elsewhere doing something useful!"

"You know what would be useful? You. BEING ON THE SHIP."

"I'm not going back there, Lenny!"

"I'm going to drag you back there in five seconds by your hair if you don't!"

"Like he-" I pause as I see someone standing behind him.

"-ck you will," I finish lamely, "Uh,

He turns around following my view and his blue eyes widen.

A small boy with short brown hair is watching us wide-eyed from the bottom of a small staircase.

"Uh hey, buddy," I smile softly edging around Snart to get to the kid.

The kid looks at me through big blue eyes.

Wait I know those eyes.

My stomach drops.

It's a miniature Lenny.

"Hi, I'm Leo," he mumbles, "I-I came downstairs for a glass of water."

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