Old and New Faces

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*Sara POV*

What has happened to my city? Rip said we'd be SAVING the future! Not destroying it...

First I see Veronice and Roy then the next thing I know is I'm fighting them and Rip is yelling for us all to get back to the ship.

But here I am chasing Ray into a darkened alley where we will most likely be trapped and murdered.

"RAY STOP!" I roar but the man ignores me and follows the streak of red into the blackness.

"Idiot," I grumble under my breath.

"SARA WAIT!" Rip yells after me.

Heaving a deep sigh I turn sharply around; nearly ramming into a panting Rip.

"We, have, to, get, back, to, the, ship," he says breathing heavily.

I let out an irritated huff.

"Tell that to the idiot who just chased the people who shot at us into a darkened alley."

Rip's eyes widen as he haphazardly runs a hand through his hair.

"No, no, no, no no," he mumbles under his breath, "He'll disfigure the timeline!"

"I think we already might have done that," I say glancing around us.

"Miss Lance, do me a favor and keep your sarcastic comments to yourself."

"Okay," I say raising my hands defensively.

A shadow shifts unexpectedly and I casually glance around.


"Miss Lance, I am trying to think here!"

"You might blow a fuse," I retort as I keep my eyes on the shadow.

"Miss Lance, are you incapable of shutting your mouth for ONE SINGLE MOMENT!" Rip roars.

"Oh dear are we interrupting something?" A voice calls unapologetically from the shady alley.

We turn to face a smirking woman as she walks out to meet us dragging an unhappy Ray by the ear.

A thump echoes behind us and Rip starts with surprise as the hooded man speaks.

"We don't really care if we are."

Rip glares at me.

"You're the one from the League of Assassins! How didn't you-"

"I saw them," I say cutting him off.

I send him a smug look.

"But you it seems are incapable of keeping your mouth shut."

Rip's face tightens as the man behind us draws his bow.

The woman thrusts Ray towards us and he lands painfully at our feet.

"Oh she's definitely Ronnie," I say prodding his groaning form with my foot.

"Yep," Ray groans as he starts to sit up.

"How do you know us?" Ronnie snaps her bow raised.

I roll my eyes.

"Ronnie, I taught you self defense for three years. I watched Ollie show you how to use a bow. I saw you grow up."

"No you didn't," She snaps back, "You missed the Uprising. You missed Oliver's death. You missed everyone's deaths. You missed the fall of the city into Deathstroke Junior's hands. You missed everything."

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