A White Knight in Need of Saving

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I land badly and fall over onto my side.

"Miss Jones! Are you alright?"

Stein rushes to my side and I brush his help off and wince feeling my bruised side.

"I'm fine. I've definitely had worse," I mutter getting shakily to my feet.

"I'm not quite sure if that qualifies as reassuring," Stein replies worriedly.

I snort.

"Mick down yet?"

Stein glances over his shoulder.

"Yes. He actually seems alright-"

Retching noises echo across the room.

"That's normal," I reassure patting Stein's arm.

He looks at me in horror then shakes his head.

"Right," Stein replies blinking in confusion, "right."

"Hey Doc the generator's off go do whatever you have to do," Snart commands in a bored voice over the mic.

"Almost off," Ray adds "I almost have it figured out."

"Shut up, boy scout."

"I was actually an Eagle Scout," Ray responds proudly.

"Girls, girls your both pretty now shut up," I call over the mic.

"Aren't you supposed to be guarding, Stein, Princess?" Snart replies snarkily.

"Aren't you supposed to be shutting up? Guess what you're not doing, Lenny!" I call back.

"Next time we meet I'm going to-"

"I hate to break up this little argument," Stein interrupts unapologetically, "but we really should be getting on with this project."

"Go do your thing," I grin at him, "I'll take care of Mick."

Stein nods and walks away toward the cylinder.

I hear the pressurized door open behind me as I walk over to a queasy Mick.


He bends over and dry heaves onto the floor.

"-aren't okay yet," I mumble.

He stands up straight and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

"We gonna do this?" He questions gruffly.

I squint at him.


"Let's do it then," he growls shoving past me towards the cylinder.

I glance past him up towards where Ray and Snart are and inhale sharply.

A certain brunette in a white lab coat is walking down the metal walkway towards the control room.

Where Ray and Lenny are.

Ohhhh shoot.

"Guuuuuuuys we have company," I hiss into my mic.

The brunette turns left getting closer with every step.

"Who?" Ray asks.

"Snart's cozy friend, Juliet."

Snart mumbles a couple choice swear words over the mic.

"She's gonna get killed when the cylinder explodes," Ray warns.

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