Battling Gone Wrong

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Rip's plan for an offensive strike was me using my powers to hold all the soldiers frozen in place. As much as I would like to brag and say my powers are godlike and all powerful, they're really not. They work much better when I do small short bursts rather than huge long ones.

Which is why I was able to hold the freaks in the hallway for about twenty seconds before losing all control.

Some soldiers went flying, most just shook off the trance they were under and started firing at us.

Which ya know, is just great when you're stuck in a hallway.

"ATTACK!" Rip screams.

Both sides comply and suddenly, we're all fighting.

Guards are swarming us and it's not too long before Rip screams for a retreat and we fall back into our room. The door stays open and soldiers pour through.

My powers, weakened, I'm forced to use my knives, which, Sara remembered to grab off of the ship and return to me (along with Ray's suit and Snart's gun).

Blood coats hands as my daggers find their way into the areas exposed on different soldier's armor. The knives quickly becoming slippery and it's all too clear that the they're not fast enough either.

So it's hand to hand. A punch here, sharp kick there, ducking to avoid a blow and if I'm lucky a small burst of power to force them into the next opponent. Then the next, and the next, and next.

There is no end to these soldiers. Weariness and fatigue are creeping through me but I ignore them and focus on my next attacker. But my moves are slower, my reflexes weaker. Each time a new enemy arrives they're fresh and ready to fight whist I am close to collapsing.

The roar of Snart and Mick's guns fill the air but even they aren't stopping many of the soldiers. Kendra's and Raymond's blows from above are only doing so much. Sara is desperately trying to press back our attackers while protecting Stein, whom without Jax, is just an old man. A fragile, old man.

I try to head towards them after administering a sharp kick to the head of another guard. My luck runs out yet again as another wave floods through the doorway and Sara is lost to me in the crowd.

Over the blasting of weapons, grunts of pain and fists colliding, Rip's loud voice is screaming for us to fall back but we're already being shoved back by more and more oppressors.

Desperation crawls up my throat, exiting my mouth in a war cry. The soldiers around me tense before moving closer.

Darting my eyes around them, I notice the prisons to my right. A smile crosses lips.

"Wanna have some fun, kids?" I say summoning what's left of my rapidly depleting strength.

The men reach for me but I slam into the edge of their circle, knocking one of the guards to the ground. I step on his face for good measure and use it to propel myself towards the cells.

A cracking noise comes from
behind me and I somewhat hope that I merely broke the blue divider covering everything from his forehead to his upper lip but judging by the strangled scream, I think I broke his face.

Soldiers gather around the cell and raise their guns. Before they can shoot, I've leapt over their heads and landed behind them. Spreading my hands behind me, I focus on the energy around them. Then, with a strong mental push, they all fly backwards. Some go into the cell but most just slam into the sides or past it, landing hard.

Smirking to myself, I dust off my hands and straighten my back.

Suddenly a bright wave of fire  passes by, INCHES from my face. I only just manage to dodge it and the flames engulf a poor soldier behind me. Unfortunately for him, he has no reflexes and receives a wave of fire and screams for a couple of seconds before his tongue turns to ashes in his mouth. His body collapses, leaving behind a charred pile of burnt hair, melted armor and blackened human flesh.

However my gaze does not stay on that poor, unfortunate soul for long before I whip around to stare at the man's killer.

"You idiot!" I scream looking Mick. Gesturing down, with a shaking hand, I can barely contain my own anger.


Mick's beady black eyes widen as he raises his eyebrows and shrugs.

"Darn," he mutters, "I missed."

Snarling, I stretch out one hand and send four new soldiers flying back into a new swarm while using my other hand to hold as many bullets as I can in midair.

Mick steps back in surprise before glancing from the floating missiles to me.

"I saved your arse, you saved mine. We even then, blondie?"

Rolling my eyes, I sent the bullets back at the soldiers, who collapse with cries of pain.

"Where's Snart?" I fling back to the pyro.

He frowns and glances behind him before shrugging.

"He was behind me."

I nod, divorcing my emotions from my mind. I need to focus. Worry about Snart later. He's a grown man, he can take care of himself.

And he could get himself killed, my mind adds.

I growl as a steady crowd of soldiers slowly makes their way towards Mick and I, attempting to cut us off from both the exit, and the other Legends.

We spring into action immediately, kicking and blasting anything in our path. But the crowd is thick. Soldiers fall but two more take their fallen comrade's place.

Scalding heat from Mick's guns blisters the exposed parts of my hands and new blood layers upon the old across my knuckles. My body aches but adrenaline fuels my system keeping me going.

"We ain't gonna win this war!" Mick roars.

Looking around me, it's obvious he's right. The numbers are stacked against us. I can't see any other Legend but Mick anymore in this crowd. A pang rushes through me as I notice that Kendra has disappeared from above.

But something is still there. And that something is coming closer and closer to Mick and I.

A small smile crosses my lips as I recognize who it is.

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