Rescue is (finally) on its way

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I'm swaying. Swaying back and forth. Like a hammock. Yes I'm in a hammock on a deserted island. The sun is setting and the sky is painted purple and red. I'm swaying in my hammock.

No I'm not.

I'm in a Russian prison camp. I'm being tortured by an immortal psychopath. I'm wounded. I'm most likely dead or dying. And I'm not alone.

My eyelids are heavy with exhaustion as I force them open.

I'm indeed swaying but only because I'm being carried on a stretcher.

That was nice of them.

I turn my head squinting in the eerie light looking for Ray and Mick.

After a few moments of silent searching I find them plodding along ahead of me. Both have guards on either side of them armed with a loaded gun.

Well isn't this just peachy?

We are trapped. We are wounded. And we are most likely going to die if Rip doesn't get his arse in gear and save us. I wonder where Snart is. He'll be all distraught about Mick getting caught I suppose. But I wonder...does he care that I did too?

The stretcher jolts and I grab the edges; terrified I'll fall off.

Forcing myself to calm down I relax my death grip on the sides of the stretcher and close my eyes.


"This is good! You must love her!" Valentino cackles clicking off the safety of her gun.

My heart stops.

'This was it. He was going to admit it-'


I breathe in sharply.

'No? He said no? He doesn't love me?'

My broken heart shatters for the third time.

"No?" The woman asks mockingly, "No? Well then I guess I can just do THIS!"


The bullet tears through the air and hits me squarely in the stomach. I stumble backwards, my hands clutching my wound.

"Oh," I whisper softly.

I focus on Snart and he watches me fall with no emotion.

He doesn't care...he never did.

"I wouldn't do that," a familiar voice says.

Wincing in pain, I jerk my head towards to the side of my stretcher to peer over towards the source of the voice.

A man stands in a hallway with a cart covered with a white sheet. My stomach twists at the thought of what was under that sheet. Another man, a guard, stands opposite him; his hand outstretched towards the sheet as if about to pull it free.

"Trust me," the familiar man drawls, "Valentino likes to play with various diseases and this one? Well, do you want to end up with a mutated chicken pox virus?"

The guard withdraws his hand and steps back instantly.

The other man chuckles as he pushes the cart into the hallway.

"I thought not."

My head pounds fiercely in my ears causing me to groan slightly.

"She awake?" Someone above me questions, "The boss said to keep her under."

I groan again as my wounds start to burn with pain.

The man with the sheet turns at the sound of my moan.


Our eyes connect for a second then my stretcher is pushed past him and we turn a corner continuing the journey back to my cell.

He's here, I think weakly.

We're getting out.

A cool metal syringe is placed against my neck but I don't care. The contents are pushed into my veins but I don't notice.

He's here.

A small smile grows on my face as the drug takes over and my eyelids flutter closed.


WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME SNART SHOWED UP! This stupid prison camp scene is going on forever...i should warn you with the next chapters (WHEN I GET OUT OF WRITING ABOUT THE STUPID PRISON CAMP)
I'm going to be adding a new character and subtracting another...this is for when I get to the Arrow chapters...Anyone here like Roy? My friend loves him so he maaaaaaay be making an appearance...just fyi...anyhow thanks for reading! Keep commenting!

Question: What is your favorite Marvel movie? (Haha all my questions are Marvel...can't tell I'm a geek...)

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