The Deepest Scars are the Ones you can't See

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HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE SEEN THIS PICTURE??? WHAT IN THE NINE REALMS IS HAPPENING?!? I'm soooooooooooooo jealous of Sara... Anyway here you go! Comment your thoughts!!! Thank you!!!

"Let me out."


"Let me oooooouuuttt."


"Lettttt mmmme oooooout."

"Can I kill her now?" Mick begs Snart.

Snart glances at me but shakes his head.


"You will let me out," I say in my best Obi-Wan Kenobi voice.

Snart rolls his eyes as the shuttle takes a dip.

"We're almost there," Jax announces calmly.

"Good," Mick grunts pulling out his gun and inspecting it, "I need to burn something."

"Shut up Reverse Elsa," I snap at him before turning to Jax and whining," Jaaaax let me out."

"Sorry, Karoline," Jax apologizes while landing the ship.

He glances sideways at Snart's gun then back at the controls, presses a final button and we hit the ground with a thump.

"You and Princess are staying here while me and Mick go get the emerald," Snart decides smoothly wiping nonexistent dirt from his weapon.

Jax turns in his seat his eyes flicking around at all of us and towards the door.

"I'm not sure if I'm game with that."

"We're definitely gonna stay here. You can totally trust us, Snart," I growl sarcastically as I fiddle with my handcuffs.

A hand clamps on my wrists and uncuffs my left hand. Before I can punch him in the face Snart quickly retightens the cuffs and clamps one end to Jax.

"Hey man!" Jax cries angrily but Snart just smirks at him.

"Keep the engine running!" He calls over his shoulder before exiting with Mick.

We can hear their laughter as the door slides shut behind them.

I let out a low gutteral sound from my throat and Jax sends me a nervous look.

"Shut up," I growl.

"I didn't say anything!" He says indignantly.

"You were thinking; it's annoying."

"Wha-" he begins but I cut him off with a hand gesture.

"Just, let me think," I sigh taking my head in my one hand (my other is attached to Jax's).

Jax huffs and sits beside me pulling on the cuff. The metal digs into my wrist and I bite my lip in anger.

Not at him though.


Honestly, first he kidnaps me now I'm stuck going on some random mission to the past which is just gonna end badly.

"Jax what are we doing here?" I ask heavily.

I hear him turn to me and he lets out a short breath.

"Well, uh, I think Snart wants to go back and change history so that his dad didn't beat up him and his mum and sister."

My brow furrows.

"He's screwing with history?"

"That's what I told him!" Jax says slumping against the side of this ship pulling my arm towards him.

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