Who's a Hero?

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"Kari!" Jax bellows angrily as he reaches us. He shrugs off Ray to Snart.

"Why didn't you two run? Huh?" He glares at Snart, who is watching him through slightly amused eyes. He jabs a finger in the criminal's direction. "You could've run and gotten her out of here! Why didn't you leave?"

I gape at the kid. My mouth opens and shuts over and over. Anger floods my system making it impossible to form words.

Snart steps in.

"Because she won't leave anyone behind." His eyes flash. "You're a little slow so here I'll break it down for you. When we have to make a sacrifice play, she's the one to make it. And if you've got a problem with that, try it some time."


That word bounces around in my head, again and again as I make my way down different hallways.

Snart's advice or rather, criticism, got taken right to heart. Jax is making a sacrifice play. He's willing get himself killed for a chance to save us all by destroying The Oculus.

But he hasn't. Not yet. And that's what worries me.

Footsteps echo down the hall and I barely have time to duck into another room before soldiers race past me, towards the brig or whatever it was called.

As their footsteps fade away, I step out into the hall.

Dread pumps through me, slowly turning into fear which drives me out of my hiding spot and down the hallway. My fear continues to grow as I have closer and closer calls to getting caught and I frequently have to duck into different rooms to avoid more soldiers. Finally, I reach the door. Without hesitation, I enter.

After I take a brief glance around the room, I pick up on three things.

The Oculus is undamaged.

Jax, also unhurt is there standing in front of it.

Warm relief spreads from my head to my toes and I momentarily forget about my fear for the lives of my friends.

That's when I see the third thing; Jax's eyes have a crazed mania in them. And he's holding a gun.

Pointed right at me.

So yeah, technically, I saw four things.

I drop to the floor as the delayed gunshot goes off. The bullet punctures the door behind me and is quickly follows by another.

"JAX! QUIT SHOOTING AT ME!" I bellow at the kid, rolling to the left in case he shoots once more.

The gunshots do stop and slowly I look up.

Jax is standing there, hand shaking, gun all but falling out of his hand.

"Jax?" I call out cautiously.

The gun hits the floor with a sharp crash.


My heart nearly breaks at the sound of his desperate voice.

"Yeah," I say standing up, brushing myself off with my hands.

"Nice to see you too."

Jax lets out a strangled laugh. He reaches out and pulls me tight for a hug. I bury my head in his shoulder, hugging him back as hard as I can. Refusing to let go.

"How-how did you find me?" He whispers when we finally pull apart.

I roll my eyes, glancing at The Oculus.

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