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I look down at my hands feeling my hope drain away.

She's gone. It's my fault. I couldn't save her.

Red Arrow turns to me his face tear streaked.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM? YOU COULD'VE SAVED HER!" He screams as he grabs me by my shoulders.


He shakes me back and forth. I hear angry yells but I ignore them. My brain has turned to mush in my head; his words reverberating around in my skull.

You could've saved her.
You could've saved her.
You could've saved her.

Hands pulls me out of the man's grasp. I wobble unsteadily backwards into the mystery person.

"BACK OFF, Robin Hood," someone snarls pulling me away.

Red Arrow clutches his hands to his face.

"She could've saved her," he whispers.

"Obviously she couldn't! So shut up," the man snarls back.

I couldn't save her.
I tried but I couldn't save her.

Red Arrow's face contorts in rage as he tries to lunge at me.


Snart pushes me behind him and aims his gun between the archer's eyes.

"I'm only going to say this once, Kid," he hisses in a dangerous voice, "Back. Up. Or I'm going to ice you. Literally."

Red Arrow pauses then steps back.

"Good," Snart drawls as everyone else makes their way over.

"What's going on here?" Rip asks cautiously, "Mr. Harper is everything alright?"

Red Arrow flicks his eyes to Rip.

"Does everything look alright, Rip?" Snart growls sarcastically.

Rip looks nervously between them and opens his month but Sara cuts him off.

"Where's Ronnie?"

I close my eyes and run a hand over the lump on my collar bone.

"The other chick with the bow?

Harper glares at Snart as he answers.


Everyone looks at Roy.

"He took her. Again."

Ray and Sara's faces pale.

"No," Ray mutters looking between me and Harper as if hoping we're joking, "No not again pleas-"

"He did, Raymond. She's gone," Roy croaks covering his hands with his face.

A wave of nausea courses through me and I wobble unsteadily.

"Miss Jones, are you quite alright?" Rip asks worriedly.

I don't answer as I continue to waver. Snart grasps my arms trying to hold me upright.

"Jones, don't you dare-"

I don't hear what he says because I'm already slipping into darkness.

When my eyes reopen I am in a very familiar room.

The Medbay on the WaveRider.

"Jones I swear, if I had a quarter every time I carried your unconscious arse onto this ship I wouldn't have to be a thief," Snart drawls from somewhere on my left.

Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}Where stories live. Discover now