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*The WaveRider*

"And we're back," Jax sighs pulling a lever down and looking back at the rest of us, "So did everyone have fun?"

Mick rolls his eyes and plods off the ship.

Snart stays sitting his eyes focused on his knuckles. An awkward silence spreads through the room and Jax sends me a questioning look. I nod for him to go.

He shrugs and walks toward the door opening it and gesturing me to go first.


We both turn to look at Snart who glances up from his hands to look at me. His eyes flick to Jax and narrow.

"Not you, kid."

Jax looks at me and opens his mouth to argue but Snart cuts him off.

"Get out."

Jax glares at him anger simmering beneath the surface.

"You can't tell me what to do!" He snaps.

Snart nods slowly and walks past me towards Jax, a small smirk on his lips.

"You're right," he mutters thoughtfully, "I can't can I?"

Jax eyes him suspiciously and Snart continues.

"Oh wait," he stops and a dark look appears in his eyes, "I can."


Snart shoves Jax out of the ship and I hear him slam into the floor.

"SNART!" I yell angrily racing over to the door to see if Jax was okay but Snart slams his fist into the button shutting the door.

With an ominous click it locks.

"Snart what in the NINE REALMS do you think you're doing?" I scream as I try to open the door.

He glares at me.

"I'll let you out when you answer my question," he says.

I cross my arms over my chest.

"What's the question?" I ask praying that it's nothing embarrassing.

Wait did he find out I wrote "I <3 Elsa" in sharpie on his ice gun?

Prepared for the worst I wince as he asks,

"Why did you lie to me?"

Wow hadn't been expecting that.

Snart glares at me.

"Karoline why did you lie to me?" He snarls taking a step closer.

I instinctively take a step back racking my brain to remember what I lied about.

"When?" I ask slowly.

He lets out an aggravated noise.

"Well thank you for elaborating," I snap sarcastically as my irritation bleeds through.

"You lied to Leo."

Confusion spreads through me at those words.

When had I lied Leo?

"No I didn't," I reply instantly.

"Yes," Snart says through gritted teeth, "You did."


"You told him I was a hero."

A heat slowly spreads from my neck up my cheeks.

"Yeah, I did. So?" I say trying to sound casual but my burning face gave away my true feelings.

"Why did you tell him that?" Snart asks quietly.

Because it's true.

"I told him that you were a hero because you're here. You're on this mission to stop a madman," I say quickly, "You're trying to save the world."

Snart watches me and the silence stretches between us.

Shaking his head he turns back to the door and unlocks it.

I brush past him and through the open door to where Jax is pacing worriedly. Sara has appeared and is looking bored as usual. She glances up at me from her fingernails and smirks.


Jax jumps towards me.

"You're okay! He didn't hu-"

"I'm fine, Jax," I say calmly, "Actually I'm starving do they have any food on this thing?"

Sara shrugs and walks over.

"Rip hasn't said anything about food," she replies then adds thoughtfully, "What a jerk."

I snort and begin to walk towards the exit when a voice stops me.


I turn back to look at Snart. He seems to be struggling to say something. His shoulders sag slightly as he clenches his fingers around the handle of his cold gun.

"Check Rip's cabin. He has candy bars stockpiled behind the bookcase."

I grin at him.

"Thanks Lenny!"

I begin skipping towards the door with Jax on my heels. As the door behind to close I hear a heavy sigh behind us then Sara's voice.

"If you were waiting for the right moment; that was it."


Thanks for reading! 

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