Pilgrim Problems

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I want this sweatshirt! ^

I thought that maybe, just maybe, the Time Masters would give us a break. Call off the Pilgrim, maybe fight amongst themselves and leave is alone-But no.

No. No. No.


Literally one hour after leaving Ronnie in 2014, we get a FaceTime call.

No, it isn't actually a FaceTime and yes Rip got mad at me for calling it that.

But what else describes a live video feed from the Pilgrim?

Aside from a "live video feed from the Pilgrim"?

"Pilgrim," Rip says coolly into the computer, obviously trying to play off the fact that there is a murderous psychopath glaring up at him through a screen on the table. "You were unexpected."

"Understatement of the century," I cough into my hand.

Rip shoots me a glare and opens his mouth to speak but the Pilgrim cuts him off.

"Enough, Traitor. I have a deal for you." She smiles wickedly into the camera. "One you cannot refuse."

"Making deals with murderous Time Master slaves, isn't on my to do list," Ray states with a scoff. He glances around at all of us, smiling slightly. "I don't know about anyone else's but I seriously doubt they'll side with you on this one."

A small chuckle arises from the group as we look down at the screen to watch the Pilgrim's reaction.

To our surprise, her red stained lips curve upwards into something that resembles more of a grimace than a smile. She crosses her arms across her chest as she sneers into the camera lens at us.

"Amusing, Mr. Palmer," she say coldly, "However incorrect. I have something very special to you within my grasp and with your pitifully heroic history, you will not hesitate to have it back."

"I doubt stealing his Doctor Who volume three comic book is going to force him to make a deal with you," Sara states snarkily.

"How do you know about that?" Ray gapes at her.

Sara's smile widens enigmatically but before she can elaborate, in butts the Pilgrim.

"Enough!" a sharp clear voice snaps peevishly.

The Pilgrim's patience has apparently vanished. Couldn't tell you why though, I mean, we're a delightful bunch. Just as Rip.

But when we all look down at the screen, all we see is the left side of her as she stretches past the camera to grab someone and pull them into view.

A small gasp escapes our group as we see what it is she has within her talons.

Well I should I say, who it is.

It's a blindfolded, very familiar Ronnie Palmer.

"Not again," Snart groans from the side.

Ray shoots him a particularly nasty look but Snart seems unabashed.

"What? We've rescued her at least three times already," he mutters.

"Technically once," Stein intervenes, "Twice if you count the Pilgrim's first attempt however Miss Palmer did manage to save herself."

"And now we have to save her again," Snart huffs.

Nearly everyone shoots Snart irritated looks, which he blows off instantly with his signature smirk.

"Just stating the obvio-"

"LET HER GO!" bellows Ray.

"Well if I did that, I would lose the promising prospect of a bargain," Pilgrim says, smiling once again.

"Promising Prospect," I repeat in an undertone to Jax, "Try saying that five times fast."

He gives me an "are you serious" look before looking back at the screen.

I sigh before imitating him and looking back at the Pilgrim who has shoved Ronnie aside and is now "negotiating" aka screaming at Rip.

That's when I hear Jax muttering, "Promising prospect. Promising prospect. Promising prospect. Promising prospect. Promising prospect."

He grins proudly at me and I start to give him a slow clap when the Pilgrim yanks a new person on screen.

Her blonde hair falls across her face as she is dragged in front of the screen. Her eyes are covered by a blindfold but even without being able to see them, I can tell you that they're green.

"Where am I?" The woman asks in a scared tone. "WHERE AM I?"

My heart leaps into my throat at the familiar voice.

"Mum?" I whisper in an undertone.


Because first off, my priorities have changed. Yes it's true, there are more important things than Wattpad and my hobbies. Why it took me so long to realize this, I don't know I'm blonde (no offense to all this other blondes out there).

Also PreCalc is kicking my butt pretty bad. Soooo that sorta goes along with priorities...ugh junior year sucks crap folks...sorry in advance for all you sophomores and freshies. It's gets worse.

There's my encouraging message for today 😂

To sum up, I'll update when I can. Love ya'll! Good luck with your lives! And school...and for all you suffering souls who have precalculus!

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