I don't regret my decision

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"So, you got a specific place for us to meet?" I say slowly to the Pilgrim whilst daring to look at Rip, "Or do you want to-"

"I'll take care of this thank you," Rip snarls, pushing past me to talk to the Pilgrim.

Swallowing my words, I turn around to face my fellow Legends. They're all staring between me and Rip. Most have torn looks, Stein is furious and Mick looks like he could care less what's happening. But those of us who have family members kidnapped look determined.

Jax sends me a small nod as if to say "You did the right thing".

A sudden silence falls over the group as Rip ends the call to The Pilgrim.

"What," Rip begins slowly as he raises his pointer finger, "What was that, Miss Jones?"

I casually straighten up and steel myself for the oncoming storm.

"That was me speaking for all of us who have just lost relatives to a psychopath and dealing with it my way," I reply coolly.

"But, you had no right to do that, Kari," Kendra begins, her voice hovering between sternness and uncertainly. "You didn't just speak for you, Leonard, Ray and Jax. You spoke for all of us."

"Exactly!" Rip bellows angrily. He steps closer towards me, getting right into my face. "You spoke for the team, Miss Jones and overstepped your place!"

"Oh it's easy for you to act all high and mighty," Snart replies before I can. He pulls me back behind him, stepping up to face Rip. His eyes are shimmering with anger. "It's easy for you not to care. These people aren't your family. You don't care if they die. You'll destroy time to save your precious family but when ours are in danger, we're supposed to sit back and watch them get murdered one by one."

"Mr. Snart I never-"

"Captain Hunter never anticipated this to happen!" Stein intervenes over the brewing arguments. "We cannot blame him for things out of his control!"

"Is there anything in Rip's control?" Sara asks loudly. "I mean have you seen this team?"

"Sara, not helping," Kendra snapped irritably.

Sara raised an eyebrow.

"And you're doing what exactly?"

"This is besides the point," Rip calls, trying to speak over the arguments slowly heating up.

But as always no one listens.

"Jefferson this is too dangerous-!"

"Well if someone hadn't drugged me and taken me on this suicide mission I wouldn't be here so no one would've kidnapped my dad!"

"You just care about yourself. This is all about you, getting your family back and then what for us? Going back to a future where we're missing family members that you won't save?"

"Mr. Snart, I would never put you in that position-!"

"What do you call what we're in now?" I ask sarcastically.

Rip's eyes flash.

"Miss Jones, I think you've done enough damage already-"

"She's done enough damage?" Ray snaps, "What about my sister, Rip? We've saved her twice already! How many more chances do we get before our luck runs out?"

Rip turns to him and tries to placate him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Mr. Palmer, that is never going to happen."

Ray shrugs his arm off, staring at him with a bewildered expression.

"That's an utter load of crap," I say firmly, "You never know what's coming next. Or who's head is next for the chopping block."

Ray winces at the memory of Ronnie nearly being executed in 2046 while Rip sighs and shoots me a cold look.

"Listen!" He shouts, somehow managing to shut everyone up. Slowly he looks around, piercing everyone with a deep stare.

"Kari has set us up for this exchange with the Pilgrim."

I get a mix of conflicted, thankful and angry looks sent my way.

"Now whether you agree or not I am afraid to say that she has unintentionally given us a meeting with the Time Masters."

Now it's my turn to send Rip a look.

Where is he going with this?

Rip returns my look briefly and, with a small smug smile, continues.

"Which I think could help us."

"I'm sorry what?" Sara interjects.

"Newsflash Rip, they hate us," Jax says slightly irritated and confused.

"And they want to kill us," Snart drawls.

Rip tries to speak but is cut off.

"It's not exactly the best time for a reunion," Mick comments dryly.

Rip glares around at all of us waiting for someone else to butt in.

"As I was saying, before I was I interrupted" (several people got dirty looks from the bearded Brit) "This provides us with the opportunity to explain ourselves and our goals to the Time Masters."

Snart and I trade skeptical looks.

"Oh I'm reaaaal sure they're gonna be eager to talk their rogue Time Master," I comment.

"Who stole a Time ship," Snart adds.

"And a crew," says Ray.

"And caused havoc with the Time Stream," Stein finishes.

A familiar vein pulses in Rip's temple as his face goes from its normal pale color to a strained pink. His eyes are hard as stone.

"I merely was trying to find some basis of good in this mess that Karoline has made for us," he growls in a less than calm tone.

I open my mouth, a retort hot on my lips, when Kendra intervenes.

"Rip, she's scared for her family. She's doing what any person worried about their family would do. Desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures-"

"Like making deals with psychopaths?" Rip asks in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

Kendra's eyes narrow.

"I'm not saying she's a hundred percent right in the way she's going about this but her heart is in the right place. She's doing just what any of us would do for our family's."

Her words hang in the air and I manage to catch her eye and nod my thanks. She smiles slightly back and I feel a smidgen better about what I've done.

Rip stares around at us and takes a deep breath before turning around and stalking away.

"W-where are you going?" Ray calls after him.

"Same place you're going," Rip replies over his shoulder.

We watch him as he sits down and looks up at us from his chair.

"To meet with the Pilgrim."

We all share nervous looks as Rip turns his chair around.

"Well what are you waiting for?" He snaps impatiently. "Strap in!"

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