Pseudo Villain

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Everyone tenses watching Savage through dark eyes.

"You won't win Savage," Raymond growls activating his suit.

"Give us, Jax before we take him back," I snarl up at the man.

"What my companions mean to say is that we would be most grateful if you-" Stein begins.

"Unhand Mr. Jefferson, Savage," Rip interrupts pulling out his pistol, "We won't ask a second time."

Vandal chuckles darkly and begins pacing across the stage dragging Jax beside him.

"This is amusing," he laughs, "You think you can sway me through force."

"Oh well it's about to get freaking hilarious," I reply coldly, feeling my powers surge through my veins, "Especially when I slit your throat."

Savage smiles viciously down at me.

"Pathetic," he hisses down at me.

Anger floods my system and I crouch down about to leap up and throttle the man but Rip's hand on my shoulder keeps me still. I shake him off and send him a nasty look which he ignores.

"Your outmanned, Savage," he warns, "Six to two isn't very good odds."

"Oh no, Gaheeb," Savage continues dragging Jax away from the edge, "I am afraid it is you who has the unfavorable odds. It seems you have overestimated your teams abilities and underestimated my determination. NOW LIEUTENANT!"

Joe's eyes begin to glow and suddenly they are no longer black but a deadly orange.

"Oh sh-" I say staring at him.

"LANGUAGE!" Ray yells shooting a blast at the man.

"SHOOT! I WAS GOING TO SAY SHOOT!" I retort angrily watching as Joe goes flying backwards into the wall.

A loud crack echoes through the building and the stone behind his fallen form is suddenly covered in spiderwebbed fractures.

"That didn't sound good," Rip says worriedly.

"NO CRAP, SHERLOCK!" I roar back leaping towards Savage.

The man snarls and drops Jax reaching for a knife. Jax moans in pain and crawls towards the edge of the stage, a hand outstretched towards Stein.

"Gray," he mumbles hazily.

Stein races across the stone floor towards his companion when a wave of fire stops him. Everyone turns in horror to see Joe standing upright, his hands blazing a deadly orange color.

"He's all yours, Mr. Palmer," Stein says quickly making his way towards Jax.

"Lucky me," Ray mumbles starting towards the meta.

Only the whistling sound of a knife slicing through the air pulls me back to reality.

I instinctively roll to the left nearly losing a finger as the heavy knife impales the wall.

"Missed!" I shout from my crouched position.

"That was the plan," Savage hisses above me.

A hand snatches a handful of my hair and pulls me shrieking to my feet. Savage's black eyes are full of madness as they meet my own brown irises.

"I would say this has been a pleasure, but it hasn't therefore I won't," he growls pulling his arm with the knife back.

"I hate you too," I mutter wrenching my head backwards.

Several hairs painfully part company with my scalp. Tears sting my eyes but I pull myself as far away as I can get.

Savages hand flies forward and the knife catches on my long hair.

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