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Two weeks. TWO WEEKS! Nothing has bloody happened for two weeks!! Everyone's irritable but Mick is by far the worst. He has gone nearly insane from not being able to burn anything. He's become angry and surly refusing to talk to anyone. He won't even stay in the same room with Snart for more than thirty seconds before stalking out.

"Two sevens," I say placing my cards on the pile in front of Sara, Snart and I.

The three of us are congregated around a pile of cards that Snart brought. Originally we were going to play Poker but we soon realized it would be pointless since we had nothing to bargain with. So we went with a different game. One that I apparently suck at.

"Bull," Snart and Sara say at the same time.

I sigh heavily and drag the pile of cards towards me.

"Good thing you're not a poker player, Jones," Snart drawls pulling a card out of his hand with two slender fingers, "One eight."

"Bull," I say quickly.

"Take it," he smirks.

"Fudge," I mutter adding the eight to my pile.

"You're really bad at this game," Sara comments.

"Shut up," I grumble back shoving the card forcefully into my deck.

"Just stating the truth," she says back, "Three nines."


"Take 'em."

Snart laughs as I lean over and snatch them up.

"We're playing Go Fish next," I mumble.

*Le Time Skip*

"BULL!" I yell at Snart.

He sighs and picks up his card.

"Haha, see my having all the cards is actually a strategy," I grin behind my mound of cards.

"Or it's just you losing, again," Snart snaps back.

I frown at him over my cards.

"Or I'm just smarter than you, Lenny."

"One ten," Sara says placing a card before us.

"Hang on," I mumble thumbing through my deck, "Yep that checks out-Wait! Okay she's clear."

I pull out my four jacks and place them down.

"Four jacks."

"I was lying," Sara smirks.

I glare at her.

"No you weren't I had-" I glance at Lenny who waves the back of a card at me.

"Only only three of the tens, Princess."

I narrow my eyes as Mick storms in. He walks over to a crate and slams his foot into it. The metal dents in around his toe and he grunts in pain.

"Wanna play Mick?" I call over my shoulder.

"You can't be worse than, Karoline," Sara comments.

"Shut up," I glower back.

"She's right though," Snart adds with a smirk.

Mick glances over at Snart's voice and his beady eyes become slits.

Well apparently someone is still pissed about leaving the city.

"EVERYONE UP TO THE MAIN DECK NOW!" Rip's voice calls over the speakers.

We all look up and I let out a slow sigh as I shuffle my cards into a large deck.

"I think I won."

Sara and Snart send me annoyed looks.

"I had the most cards," I point out.

Snart rolls his eyes and looks over at Sara.

"You explain."

Sara shakes her head and gets to her feet.

"She's you're girlfriend, Leonard not mine. So that makes her, your problem," she says smiling at him.

He glares at her back as she struts away down the hall after Mick.

"So it's official?" I ask casually, "Well we are?"

Lenny sighs and glances over at me.

"I guess so."

I grin at him and place a quick peck on his lips before skipping out of the hanger.

"I still think I won, Lenny!"

I hear him chuckle behind me as I turn to face him.

"Sure you did, Princess."

I smile and slow my pace to match his as we make our way slowly through the ship. The silence stretches between us but it isn't an awkward one. It's a content silence as we enjoy each other's company. The main door stands stoically ahead of us and I decide to take advantage of Mick's absence.

"So what happened with Mick?" I question leaning back against the doorway leading to the main deck.

Snart stops and stands with his arms crossed over his blue parka; all traces of his usual smirk gone.

"A disagreement; that's all," he replies bitterly.

I narrow my eyes.

Disagreement my arse. They must've had a full out fight.

"Uh huh. A disagreement that ended with Mick getting knocked out and his arse getting dragged back here? He seemed pretty happy back in Demolition Town."

Snart's mouth twitches but ultimately stays in a firm line.

"He tends to get in his own way. That's why I'm the brains of the team," he comments as he pushes past me towards main deck.

"But you don't have a brain, Lenny," I say following him.

"Har har, Princess."

How many people have played Bull before? Cause like Kari I suck at it...it's pretty pathetic how bad I suck at it...whenever I manage to trick my friends I am so pumped for like the next three turns. 😂 Odin's eye what is wrong with me? I hope everyone had a great week! PEACE!


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