Legends? Pt 3

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"Did she even drink the entire bottle?"

"Nah, she doesn't like beer."

"Then why'd she go all loopy?"

The person I'm leaning on shifts and my head slides on their shoulder.

Slowly I start to stir and open my eyes. I'm still in our "borrowed" car with my head on a familiar blue parka.

"She gets high off of the thrill of being chased."

The voice finally registers and I shoot up off the shoulder quickly.

Snart chuckles as he watches the road ahead.

"Sleeping beauty! Welcome back," he says dryly.

I groan feeling a huge headache coming on.

"Why didn't we think to buy Advil while we were there?" I moan at Sara.

She grins at me and holds up a pill bottle.

"I didn't technically buy it," she says shaking it near my ears.

The sound makes my headache throb menacingly and I practically lunge over the seat at her.

She laughs and holds it just out of my reach.


"Not unless you do something for me first," she laughs back.

I sit back in my seat and watch her.

What are the odds that I have to do something embarrassing? Better yet what are the odds that Snart is involved? I'm guessing around 99.9%.

I pretend to think as I gently reach out with my powers towards the bottle.

"Depends on what I have to do," I say thoughtfully.


I got it.

A malevolent smirk takes up her entire face as I secure my hold on the bottle.

"You have to-"

I yank the bottle free and it sails right into my hands.

"Haha!" I crow victoriously.

She glares at me.

"I'll get you back for this, Jones."

"Ooh, I'm so-" I pause as the ship comes into view over the crest of the hill.

The meadow where we landed has become a warzone and I can see Firestorm, Hawk Guy and Girl, Rip and Atom all attacking/hiding from a dude in a weird suit.

"Scared," I finish as the dude turns toward us.

His black mask makes him look like a predator from one of those crappy movies that are always on reruns on Sunday nights.

His head tilts to the side as he studies us then he raises his gun.

"SNART DRIVE!" I screech shoving my foot onto the gas pedal.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING JONES?" He roars back his foot crushing mine on the pedal.

The car veers sharply left and Sara swears angrily in the back as she slams into the window.

A blood red beam flashes past us grazing the car. It's accompanied by flash of heat that surges past us and I flinch.

"Stop the car."

Snart doesn't even turn to look at me.


"STOP THE CAR!" I yell slamming my foot on the brake.

Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}Where stories live. Discover now