Kidnappings and Cappuccinos

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"This is never going to work."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Lenny."

"Always here when you need it, Princess."

"Aw this is so sweet I'm gonna get a cavity," Jax comments from beside me.

We are both situated in an alleyway across from the building that my father is due to leave any minute. The others are hiding in alleys farther away from ours to capture him in case we screw up. Which is a distinct possibility.

"Yeah can we save the flirting for later?" Ray calls over the mics, "Please?"

"That's not even close to flirting compared to your comments to Kendra, Boyscout."

"Eagle Scout. I told you, Snart. I was-"

"Gentlemen can we please just focus on the mission at hand?" Rip snaps.

I roll my eyes and play with the comm in my ear. Looking over my shoulder I glance out of the alley at the glass buildings across the street. Jax peers with me and whispers,

"What do we do when he comes out again?"

Four audible groans echo over the mic at that statement.

"It was just a question!" Jax defends but everyone is already talking at once.

"Are you kidding me, Jax?" Ray asks.

"WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS TWELVE SEPARATE TIMES!" Rip screams over the comms.

"Apparently his memory is worse than Stein's," Lenny comments.

"I'll have you know my cerebral cortex is in fully functioning order, Mr. Snart. I have no problems with my memory whatsoever," Stein says speaking up for the first time.

"You sure about that?" Sara says cutting in, "Five bucks says you can't even tell us what you had for breakfast this morning."

Just as Stein's about to answer I pluck the device from my ear and slip it into my pocket.

"Kari, what are you doing?" Jax whispers, "You can't just take out your-"

I clap my hand to his mouth glaring at him.

"Shut it," I mouth pointing at his comm.

He narrows his brown eyes and glances over my shoulder.

Suddenly his eyes widen and he gestures wildly over my arm.

I glance back around and feel my chest tighten.

A man in a black suit has exited the building we've been watching. Even at the distance I recognize the unruly black hair. His face is surprisingly clean shaven and his eyes are shielded from the sun by black shades.


He glances around before turning left down the sidewalk.

"Here goes distraction number one," I mutter lifting my hands in the air.

A trash can flies through the air and smashes into the pavement scaring my father. He leaps backwards in shock before staring around in bewilderment.

His head turns towards Jax and I's hideout and Jax ducks backwards.

I groan as my father immediately scampers away down the street.

"You idiot!" I snarl as I stick my earpiece back in.

"-ere he goes."

"Aaaand they failed," Sara says slowly.

"This is why we don't send amateurs to do at professional's job," Snart grumbles.

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