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AN-yeah yeah the pic makes no sense with the story but HA idc I am excited for Civil War so that's why the pics there! Anyhow HERE'S THE STORY!

Warning-spoilers for Star Wars The Force Awakens


"Oh good you are awake. I was afraid you would miss all of the fun."

My eyes snap open searching for the voice.

Vandall Savage's leering face is inches away from my own.

I snap my head back in alarm.

Savage roars with maniacal laughter as my arms flap unsuccessfully in their chains.

Looking up I see that my arms are fettered and suspended above my head. I glance around and see both Mick and Ray are chained beside me...and they're both shirtless.

What the heck.

Looking down at myself I see I'm wearing my neon green sports bra, my black skirt and leggings.

Thank Odin for that.

"I would say it's a pleasure to be here," I rasp out weakly, "but it's not."

My throat sears with pain as I try to speak and I mentally curse the guard who nearly strangled me.

Savage chortles again and steps away from us towards a long mirror that spreads across the back wall.

"This show is not for your pleasure, I'm afraid," he smirks, "But for mine."

He nods at the Russian standing beside a control table.

The man presses a blue button and electric shocks pass through my body.

My screams of pain are mirrored by Mick and Ray's beside me.


The electricity pulses through me to my very core. Colors flash before my eyes as I shake helplessly in my chains.

Finally it stops and we are left panting for breath.


Another voltage of electricity jolts through my body transforming my words into screams.

Abruptly the shocks stop. My throat is raw from screaming. I can barely lift my head and we've only been shocked twice. This isn't good. I glance at my two partners and mentally groan. They look as weak as me right now.

"Hey," grunts Mick interrupting my thoughts, "Hey you."

The Russian glares at him.


"Ever-ever heard of Star Wars?"

The man's brow furrows in confusion.

"No?" Mick asks, "Okay then it must be in the future."

Where the heck is he going with this?

"Well when it comes around you should know that Darth Vader is really Luke Skywalker's dad."

"Spoiler alert," Ray chuckles tiredly.

The Russian's face contorts with fury and he strikes his fist to the button again.

Our screams echo around the room until finally the shocks stop.

"Luke kisses his sister Leia!" I add.

The Russian screams in anger and begins pummeling the button.

The volts of energy continue to electrify our bodies and I can't see straight anymore. Everything is slightly fuzzy and blurry. Maybe it's because I've been bouncing up and down and struggling with my chains so much.

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