Opening Up

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Sniffles fill me and Sara's room as I dry my nose on another tissue. I've been in here for the past twenty minutes crying my eyes out over an idiot.

What is bloody wrong with me?

"I'm pathetic," I croak to the ceiling.

The ceiling doesn't reply and I roll over onto my side pouting at the wall.

"Quit judging me."

The ceiling stay silent but I don't. My nose is like a freaking faucet and I keep having to wipe it.

"This is stupid," I mumble rolling over to face the empty room. "I'm stupid," I say tiredly rubbing my wet eyes.

"I mean why should I care if Snart doesn't trust me. It's not like I'm in a relationship with him or anything," I say my voice steadily growing weaker.

Tears sting the corners of my eyes but I blink them away furiously and sit up.

No. I'm not going to do this anymore. Screw pity parties. I'm sick of being weak.

Then a wave of pain hits me making my mind reel.

He lied about Mick. Who knows what else he to you lied about?

The door slides open as Sara and Kendra walk in. Kendra is carrying a pillow and bag of blankets under her arms whilst Sara seems to have emptied the galley of all its candy.

They look at me and Sara smirks. She tosses me a bar of chocolate and drops the rest of the food on the floor.

"You both seemed like you needed a pick me up," she says sitting down on the bunk opposite me.

I glance curiously at Kendra who smiles pityingly at me.

"Ray and I broke up," she elaborates sitting down against Sara's bunk. She snatches up a Milky-Way bar and begins opening it.

My eyes flit from Sara to Kendra watching them unsure of what to say. Thankfully Sara breaks the silence.

"You look terrible."

Something inside me snaps.

"Really? I thought I was taking being lied to by my significant other quite well, thank you very much," I snarl sarcastically as I grab a chocolate bar angrily.

The candy cracks in two under the pressure from my hand as I tear open the packaging.

"There she is," Sara says happily munching on a box of skittles, "I knew you'd get back to normal eventually."

"Normal?" I say through a mouthful of chocolate, "NORMAL?"

Sara grins and tosses a handful of skittles into her mouth.

Her smile makes me want to scream. Instead I settle for throwing a box of M&Ms in her face.

She catches them easily and laughs.

"You're adorable when you're mad, Jones. No wonder Sna-"

She stops at a look from Kendra. An awkward silence falls over our little group again.

"You can say his name," I growl, "Odin, what do you take me for?"

"A whiny, crying, lovesick, blonde," Sara quips.

I use my powers and lift the pile of sweets in the air before slamming them into her.

She groans as she sits up, her eyes watering slightly.


"Oh look," I snap, "It's a whiny, crying, dumb, blonde."

Sara glares at me and raises her fist, giving me a very rude hand gesture.

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