Five Minutes

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Our screams mix together as The WaveRider plummets through time and space. My stomach is churning and I'm seriously regretting eating all those Twix bars back in Rip's office.

With an earsplitting crash we collide with the Earth.


My collarbone painfully smashes into the metal headrest.

The ship continues to drag across the ground for several meters; rocking with every inch.

We all shudder horribly in our seats before the ship finally comes to a grinding halt.

"Ugh," Mick groans, "I'm going to be sick."

"Puke that way!" Kendra exclaims pointing towards the left of him.

"Hey!" Ray scolds, "Please don't!"

"Rip, where are we?" Sara says interrupting the brewing squabble.

Rip slowly releases his harness before looking over at her.

"I don't know," he replies heavily.

"Well then," I smirk, jumping to my feet, "Let's go find out!"

"No!" Rip states firmly, "No one is leaving this ship until we find out exactly where we are."

"Aww but-"

"No," Rip continues sending me a dark glare.

I pout and cross my arms.

"If we are to find out where indeed we are don't we need to go out and explore?" Stein contradicts.

Rip turns is glare on him but before he can reply, Jax offers his two cents.

"Yeah, Rip, the Professor's right. If we want ta find out where, well when we are, we've got to go outside."

Rip grinds his teeth before answering.

"If you would just listen," he snarls glaring at everyone, "I would tell you that we could just ask Gideon."

"Boring," I mutter from my spot.

Rip sends me a look and I stick my tongue out at him.

Someone snorts and I turn to see Snart smirking at Kendra who is covering her mouth with her hand.

"Gideon," Rip calls.



The silence stretched on.


"Gideon's gone, Rip," Snart drawls as his harness slowly retracts, "We've got to go out."

A muscle twitches under Rip's eye.

*Out of the Ship*

"Five minutes that's it that's all the time we're spending out here! Wherever here is," Rip says firmly glaring around at us daring someone to argue.

Surprisingly no one does.

"Alright then, let's go."

He leads the way into the ruins of a huge city.

"Gideon cloak the ship," he calls hopefully over his shoulder.

With a slight whirring noise the ship disappears as it blends into the landscape behind it.

Rip's sighs with relief.

"At least that worked," he mutters.

Rip, Sara and I walk together away from the ship the others not far behind.

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