Fries with That

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"I believe someone ordered a rescue?"

That line makes me want to crawl into a hole and die of second hand shame. But at the same time the familiarity of the voice makes me want to jump up and down and scream with happiness. So I compromise instead.

Leaning up against the front of my cell, I smile sardonically at Stein, whose smile has taken hostage, his entire face. He's so proud of himself for that terrible line.

"Yeah I ordered fries with that rescue?" I glance behind him and frown. "Where'd they get to?"

Stein chuckles and straightens his glasses as he walks up to our cells.

"Miss Jones, I've brought something I'm sure you'd much rather see," he laughs. He sends me a warm smile before nodding behind him. "Take a look."

Instantly, all the fear and worry is driven from my heart by joy. A smile works its way across my face, hurting my cheeks from stretching so wide.

Sara, Kendra and Rip all stand in the entrance behind Stein. All battle worn but uninjured which is always a plus. Both Sara and Kendra are smiling from ear to ear. My hands thump against the glass as I unconsciously try to reach them.

Stein quickly moves forward and after a second, releases my cell door, barely getting out of the way before I plow towards Sara and Kendra. Pulling them tight in for a hug, I ignore their joking protests.

"I didn't have you pinned as a hugger, Kari," Sara laughs.

"Shut up," I chuckle as I pull away. My smile hasn't faded at all.

"What happened? Is it true you killed The Pilgrim? Did she scream? I hope she screamed. Where's my mum? And Ronnie and-"

"Slow down, Jonesy," Sara chuckles, holding up her hands in between us. Her eyes twinkle like a cat's. "How about we start with answering one question at a time?"

Pursing my lips, I nod once.

"Okay," She says still smiling. She glances quickly at Kendra.

"You wanna take it away?"

Kendra rolls her eyes, her lips parting slightly to reveal glistening pearly whites.

"Sure," she laughs. Turning towards me, her smile changes from a humorous one to compassionate.

"We got The Pilgrim once you disappeared. Then we were able to untie all the hostages. They all had loads of questions."

Kendra  shook her head and laughed as Sara muttered "Ronnie" under her breath. A slight smirk forms at the corner of my lips at the mention of the younger Palmer.

"But anyway," Kendra continues while we were dropping them off we got to-"

"More like had to," Sara mutters.

Kendra glares at her.

"Are you done?" She asks Sara coldly.

Sara looks at her and smirks.


Sighing, Kendra forces herself to remain calm but her voice has a slight edge to it when she speaks again.

"Your mother asked who you were," she says slightly shakily.

My stomach drops.

She didn't know me. We screwed up the timeline too much. My father never married my mother. I was never born. I should-I shouldn't still be here then.

"What?" I whisper.

Kendra's fingers twist into a knot in front of her as she pauses.


"Your mother didn't live to see you this old," Sara interrupts.

I look at her, comprehension  dawning.

"She died when you were a teenager, right?" Kendra asks in a quiet voice.

Taking in a sharp breath, I nod.

"Yeah," I say, shocked that my voice isn't breaking.

Kendra's dark eyes well with tears and she rushes over to me before hugging me tightly.

"She said that, that," Kendra's voice cracks. Her warm tears are soaking my suit.

"That you were one of the strongest young women she's ever seen. And that she hoped you found what you were looking for," Sara finished. The blonde shrugged her shoulders at me. "We had to tell her that we were top secret agents on a mission for the US government. But-" Sara lists her head to the side a faint smile easing into her lips, "I think she figured out that what we said wasn't exactly true."

Kendra's arms tighten around me as she gives me one final squeeze before stepping back, wiping her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she chokes out. "It's just, losing someone, really close to you, and then knowing it's happened to other people."

A quick flash of a tall edgy man appears in my memory. He's got curly brown hair and a permanent angry expression on his face. 


My heart stings as I realize that she's been carrying the burden of his death with her this entire time. Her sniffles bring me back and I send her a compassionate look.

"I'm sorry, Kendra," I say quietly before sending her a wan grin. "And thanks, for noticing. I'm alright."

She stares at me, her big chocolate brown eyes searing into me, knowing that I'm lying.

It's not alright.


But on a serious note, I want to thank you guys. Together you got this book to 80k reads. Which is crazy awesome! I never thought this book would go that far. Thank you all so much! You're the best!

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