Legends? Pt 2

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*The Address*

Guess who didn't pack anything?

Everyone who showed up. Except me.

I brought a small duffel bag full of clothes, lock-picking tools, masks, my catsuit, my knives oh and a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Ugh. 9 other people in the same time machine only one with tube of tooth paste...this time machine better be bigger on the inside (Yes that's a  doctor who reference!)

I walk up with my bag slung over my shoulder and look around at the group.

Pretty boy came and the couple that reincarnates (Kendra looks like she's gonna kill someone). I gave them some space. The other girl was there gazing around at everyone and sizing them up. She caught me staring and winked at me.

Quickly I shift my gaze to another pair that walk up.

Surprise surprise.

It's Snart and Rory.

Oh this is not gonna end well.

Snart nods at the blonde and glances at Kendra.

"You don't seem to happy to be here."

"Perceptive," she snaps back sarcastically.

Rory sees me and walks over; his hand itching for his gun.

"I don't care if we have to be partners I'm going to burn your face off, you little-"

"Watch it," I interrupt fingering a knife in my jacket pocket.
"We're not going to be friends but if we're gonna stop this Vandal person then we have to be allies."

I extend a hand and Mick glares at it.


He tilts his head to the side an ugly look in his eye but in the end grasps my hand with his calloused one.

"Ally," he growls and lets go quickly, "But no promises I don't accidentally burn your face off instead of Randall's."

I smirk.

"Same goes for you."

The corners of his chapped lips turn up and we both turn as a car drives up.

Doctor Stein stops his red convertible short and kills the engine. Slowly he opens the door and steps out looking around.

My eyes flick to the passenger seat and I elbow Mick in the ribs.

The kid from the rooftop is unconscious his head lolled to the side.

Mick glares at me but I just nod my head at the car.

He looks and laughs.

"Whatever he roofied the kid with, I want some," he says walking over.

Snart takes his place beside me and I feel his gaze.

"Spit it out," I say not looking at him.

"You came."

I shake my head.

"Nope I'm actually back in my apartment planning my next robbery," I smirk up at him.

Snart rolls his eyes.

"What's your angle?" He asks curiously, "Why come?"

I laugh softly.

"I need a new game. This one's growing old," I reply looking back at Mick and Stein who are arguing.

Suddenly I look up at the man beside me.

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