Relearning to Love

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Flashback Part 1

*2010 Karoline: Age 20*

Well crap.

After months and months of careful planning and scheming to steal this priceless jasmine, countless sleepless nights, hundreds of cappuccinos all for what?



It was already bloody gone.

The empty stand sits mocking me. Moonlight from the museum's window, floods the room with its eerie light. The glass case shimmers against the blackness of the room.

I move from my spot in the corner and stretch.

Guess it's time to head home.

Just as I'm dreaming of my warm comforter in my tiny apartment the silence is shattered.

"Hello there."

I blink.

Oh look there's a young man crouched in that corner.

My observational skills are on point tonight.

"Hi!" I reply cheerily waving with one hand and reaching for my knife with the other.

"What's your name, beautiful?" The dude drawls staying in the shadows.

I smile cheekily back.

"Mummy taught me not to talk to strangers!" I call in sing song voice.

The guy chuckles back and steps into the light.

His eyes are the first thing I see. Vivid blue with silver flecks in them they shimmer mischievously in the dim lighting of the room.

"What if I told you my name?" He asks cooly crossing his arms across his chest.

"Doesn't matter," I shrug dropping my fake cheery voice as I walk around the case towards the window, "but you can if you like."

"I, am Leonard Snart, professional thief and criminal mastermind."

I snort.

"Did you practice that in front of your mirror, Lenny?" I snicker turning back around to face him.

He frowns.

"Don't call me that."

"Or what, Lenny?" I grin, "You'll come up with an ingenious plan to steal my shoe?"

His frown deepens.

"Who are you?"

Now it's my turn to be confused.


"Who are you?" Lenny repeats with a slight edge in his tone, "I've lived here for 22 years and I've never seen you."

"It's a big city," I say glancing over my shoulder at the window.

He shakes his head walking closer.

"True, but I wouldn't forget you."

I raise an eyebrow as my finger closes around the window latch.

"Really? How many girlfriends have you told that one to?"

He glares at me.

"Who are you?"

The window latch clicks and Lenny's eyes widen.

"An enigma!" I laugh jumping out the window.

"I will find you!" Snart yells after me.

I chuckle as I land in the tree I had been aiming for.

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