Farewell to a Hero

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Jax's fist rises and soars through the air towards the side of my head. Twisting, I manage to duck out of the way and his punch goes wide. I slam into his exposed side, knocking him over.

But he's up again right away.

"Jax please!" I beg as I duck. Standing straight again, I hold out a hand to him, palm up. "We can figure this out!"

"No we CAN'T!"

His fist misses my face by inches this time and I push my hand forward, channeling my powers to hold him still. He growls in anger, trying to move. His arm is raised and he's taking a step forwards, frozen in place.

"Kari, I-I can't to do this," he mutters. The anger vanishes from his eyes. Tears come forth, freely. "I can't do this."

"You don't have to," I say, relieved that he's finally breaking. My mind flashes back to watching him explode in the Oculus. Then I replace Jax with myself in the vision. Terror pumps through my veins at breakneck speeds. My hand wavers in the air and Jax's foot touches back down on the ground.

"I'm not a hero," Jax whimpers, "I can't be."

"That's not true," I reply, quietly.

His dark eyes are on the floor, dripping with tears.

"I think it is."

My heart begins to shrivel up in my chest. My hand shakes once more then I release my hold on him. As my hand falls to my side, he speaks.

"I'm sorry, Kari," He whispers.

I nod, moving closer to him, my heart breaking.

"I-I can't let you do this."

Warnings flash across my mind seconds too late. His foot comes out of nowhere and smashes into my side, sending me flying. I collide with the floor hard, my hands and side smacking painfully. Pulse racing, I move to stand up, when I see the gun, in Jax's hands, pointed at my heart.

"I'm sorry, Kari!" Jax cries. "I'm sorry!"

"Jax, put the gun down," I say my voice shaking.

The barrel of the gun stares back at me like an empty eye socket. Black and pitiless.

"I'm sorry, Kari," Jax repeats, his voice broken with sobs.

"PUT THE GUN DOWN!" I roar from my crouched position.

"I'm so sorry."

The safety clicks, the gun cocks and his finger lands on the trigger.

"JAX NO!" I bellow.

For a moment, I think I've shocked him back into reality. He sees the gun in his hand pointed right at me, and pauses. He's finally realized what he's doing. His eyes clear slightly and he looks back up at me.

"Jax-" I begin slowly.

"KAROLINE!" Someone shouts from behind me.

Whirling around, I see Snart racing towards Jax and I. His eyes are wide and his face is ashen. He raises his gun and points it at me.

"JAX DON'T!" Snart screams.

Whirling around, I see Snart racing towards Jax and I. His eyes are wide and his face is ashen. He raises his gun and points it at me.

"JAX DON'T!" Snart screams.

My head snaps back towards Jax so fast my neck cricks.

Jax's eyes meet mine and I see a silent apology there.

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