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"Savage?" I question, "W-what does he want with my dad?"

Rip sighs and places his hands on the table in between us; dropping his eyes to the screen below.

"Your father, Quincy Jones-"

I barely contain a hiss.

"-is beginning his promising career as a politician. He is steadily climbing through the ranks from lawyer to chief undersecretary to the mayor. Savage has noticed. He can also see the raw hunger in your father's eyes. Pardon me for saying this but your father will soon become one of the most power hungry men Artemisia has ever seen."

"And Savage sees him as a threat?" I ask completely disregarding Rip's dig at my father.

As if I could ever call him that.

Rip nods his head.

"Exactly, Miss Jones. Which is why," he pauses to open another virtual folder on his table, "We are going to stop him."

Something doesn't add up here. If Savage wanted to kill my dad before then how am I still here? Unless me from the future came and saved him before I was even born?

Gah time travel.

"You see don't you?" Rip concludes from my clueless facial expression, "If we do not save him now then Savage will kill your father and erase you from existence. Which," Rip sighs heavily, "Mr. Snart very well may do to me if that happens."

I laugh dryly before leaning on the desk to peer at the folder. A young blonde man from an old photograph stares back at me and I have to fight to keep myself from screaming. His brown eyes shimmer mischievously from behind a curtain of hair. Brown eyes identical to my own.

Suddenly the eyes are dead and lifeless staring blankly up at me and I jerk away from the table.

"Miss Jones?"

I hear Rip's worried yet slightly annoyed voice and ignore it trying to banish the memories away. My breath begins coming in ragged gasps and I try to push Rip away as he grips my forearms tightly forcing me to face him.

"Miss Jones snap out of this!"

I blink back at him gasping for air.

"I-I-I'm fine," I choke back wrenching my arms free and stumbling away.

If this is all from a photograph I hate the idea of meeting my father in person. My stomach churns at the thought.

Rip lets me go warily and coughs.

"It should be relatively simple to save your father. He is living with his girlfriend in 221 Crescent Avenue-"

"No he's not," I mumble.

"Excuse me?" Rip questions.

"He and my mother never lived together before they were married. And they didn't end up meeting till my dad was 28 so in like 4 years," I reply cooly glaring back at the ex time master.

Rip stares back.

"I never said it was your mother he was living with Miss Jones," he states slowly as if preparing for me to go into another panic attack.

I don't freak out but rather feel my fingers clench into my hands at my side.

Of course dad had other girlfriends before mum, you idiot. It's not like mum was the lady woman on the planet for Odin's sake!

"Oh," I say simply, "So then we just kidnap him and-"

"Kill Savage," Rip answers obviously relived I wasn't going to freak out.

"Seems easy enough," I mutter, "And we should probably warn the mayor that Savage is a psychopath while we're there."

Rip scoffs.

"Oh no Miss Jones, I sincerely doubt he would like that."

"Oh really?" I ask raising an eyebrow before continuing in a mocking tone, "Care to explain why?"

Rip actually smiles as he turns to face me.

"Because Savage is the mayor."


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