Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Our moment is shattered the  sound of the robot's clomping feet, thudding down the hall.

"You by any chance bring your cold
gun, Lenny?" I ask without hope as I check my boot for knives. I'm rewarded with two.

"No, you got anything?"

I hand him a knife. Well I try to. I may have accidentally given it to him blade first which may have led to him cutting his hand. Which then led to a full out lecture on knife safety and my intelligence.

"What does the color of my hair have to do with how smart I am?" I snarl when I get a chance, "Nothing! Being blonde doesn't-"

The footsteps stop.

I barely have two seconds to attempt to breathe before the door slides open.

Cold red eyes stare blankly at the pair of us. The metal man slowly turns his head to the left then back to the center as he silently studies Snart and I.

My free hand slides into Lenny's and squeezes it gently.


The metal monster's voice cracks. His glass eyes flicker then dim completely. The red is replaced by ebony darkness.

"What the he-" Lenny begins but a new set of footsteps cut him off.

A smaller figure steps out from around the robot.

Her red converse shoes slide to a stop as she leans casually against the now dead robot, with her arms crossed firmly across her chest.

"Wow, wouldn't have pinned you for the Seven Minutes in Heaven type, Grouchy," Ronnie Palmer smirks at Snart.

"Shut up, kid," he growls back irritably before stalking out of the closet, dragging me with him.

He wraps his arm around Ronnie's bicep and starts dragging her along with me down the hallway.

"Lenny, I can walk!" I gripe, struggling to free my bruising fingers.

"Uh, yeah, so can I, Lenny," Ronnie adds catching on to Snart's nickname.

Snart shoots her an icy glare.

"Don't call me that."

"She called you that," Ronnie retorts as she lets her red sneakers drag along the floor.

Snart's frown deepens as he continues to steer us towards the main deck.

"She didn't steal my coat," he snaps.

Ronnie's face splits into a giant grin. Her eyes are brimming with mischief and a hint of malevolence.

"Aww do you miss your poor widdle coatie woatie?" She mocks in a baby voice.

"Kid, you better shut up now before I stop you from talking ever again." Snart glares at Ronnie, who doesn't flinch, under his harsh gaze. "Or breathing."

"OoooOooooh," I say my voice undulating. 

"Jones," Snart says warningly as we come within sight of the main deck.

"Yes, honey?" I say back in a falsely sweet voice.

"Do me a favor and shut up."

The door to the room is within five feet, when Ronnie decides to open her mouth again. In doing so, she makes three crucial mistakes

"Listen Lenny, I ain't going in there," Ronnie begins in a bossy tone. She yanks her arm free from Snart's hold and glowers at us both. "I want to go home. You're gonna get me home. Or else I," she pauses to pull out a small gadget, "Am going to call Phil."

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