Mansions and Mishaps

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Surprisingly we all agreed to stay on and help Rip save the world. Yeah I know. I'M STILL SHOCKED. To sum up what happened...well
Rip confessed that he wasn't actually a Time Master anymore but he HAD been one at one time...then when Savage had murdered his family (wife and little boy) he had 'borrowed' this ship, scoured the timeline for insignificant nobodies (that's us lucky by the way) and came up with this elaborate plan to kill Savage before Savage can kill his family.

Oh and to cap it all off ten minutes after his confession the professor guy kicked the bucket. So now Kendra is all distraught and Carter is edgy (well more than his normal edginess).

Everyone went their separate ways across the ship after Rip told us that we could decide whether or not to stay. He even offered to take us home. Which was quite tempting after being shot in the leg. Or 'grazed' as Snart pointed out.

I wandered into the med bay and searched it for some type of burn medication. Thankfully I found some and the wound is literally almost healed because of this awesome medicine that I borrowed.

Anyhow I got to thinking about whether or not to stay and it was actually a pretty easy choice. I don't want to go home. Not yet. Sure I'm getting hurt but heck whatever. It's part of the job. If I can help keep a family together or better yet "save the world" I'll do it.

But just this once.

Gideon sent a message through the ship asking everyone to return to the main room. There Rip had told us that 1-professor dude died and 2-he asked what our decisions were. Everyone said something a little different but Mick's response was by far the best.

"I like killing people."

I lost it at that line and started cracking up while everyone just stared at me like I was insane. Which I probably am.

"We're in," Snart had added with a smirk my direction.

Rip had been pleased with our responses (aside from my hysterical laughter fit) and told us that we were going to use the last bit of info we had on Vandal to end him. Apparently there's this dagger, that professor dude had studied, and if Carter or Kendra kills Savage with it then he dies. AND won't come back.

So then we had to find this knife. Thankfully, Sara hacked a few systems and found it in like ten minutes. It's at this museum place (guess who zoned out and didn't listen to where it was? Whoopsie) and apparently Snart, Mick, Ray and I have to go and steal it.

"Jones go get your stuff," Snart calls over his shoulder at me.

I glance up from bandaging my leg and frown.

"Keep your pants on, we're not leaving till tomorrow, Lenny," I yell back turning my gaze towards my knee.

"Don't call me that."

Sticking my tongue out at him I turn back to my leg. To be brutally honest it looks like someone tried to barbecue the left side of my leg. Black streaks cut across the side of my knee accompanied by angry red welts. I wince as the burn marks come into contact with the bandage but tie it on tightly ignoring the slight pain. The medication is working. But it still hurts a bit.

Forcing myself to my feet I waver unsteadily then gain my balance. The pain flares up for a second then thankfully passes. I let out a small sigh of relief and turn to look at Snart who was eying me with amusement.

"Need a walker?" He drawls mockingly.

I snarl at him and limp away towards my room.

"I'll take that as a no."

*The Next Day*

"Why is he coming again?" I mutter to Mick as I watch pretty boy wave goodbye to the other legends.

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