Captain's Log

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"Captain Hunter would like me to inform you that they have successfully arrived aboard The Acheron," Gideon calls over the comms

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"Captain Hunter would like me to inform you that they have successfully arrived aboard The Acheron," Gideon calls over the comms.

I glance upwards at the ceiling before letting out a long sigh. It's been exactly forty seven minutes and thirty eight seconds since Rip left. In the meantime, Ray has pretended he was Captain Kirk from Star Trek, Kendra has started flirting with him, and Sara and Snart have started polishing weapons.

"About time," Sara mutters from beside me.

I smirk and glance over at her.

She has a small pile of gleaming knives beside her and is working on cleaning the rust off of her staves.

Peering closer at the staves I pick one up to examine it.

"Is this blood?" I ask just as it is snatched out of my hand.

"Possibly," Sara smirks dragging the cloth across the metal; successfully wiping the stains away.

My stomach growls and I let out a groan.

"I need foooooood!"

Sara snorts at my loud outburst and I smack her gently on the shoulder.

"Quit laughing! It's true!" I say indignantly.

She rolls her eyes but doesn't look up at me as she answers.

"You ate my granola bar thirty minutes ago."

"Do you hear yourself? Thirty minutes ago was an eternity ago," I complain massaging my stomach, "My stomach is literally eating itself."

She scoffs as I stand up turning towards the control table.

"Gideon is there any food on this boat?"

"Yes, Miss Jones. There are plenty of canned and packaged meals in the galley. Would you like directions?"

"Nope," I sigh brushing my jeans off, "I'll wander in there eventually."

Snart scoffs at me from across the room.


"Oh don't worry, Princess," he smirks not looking up from his gun, "We'll be watching. Watching you open an airlock and get sucked out into space."

"Oh shut up," I growl back.

He smirks as I turn to exit the room.

"Hey hey hey!" Ray calls to me, "Why don't you ask your captain if he knows where the galley is?"

"I would," I say thoughtfully, "but Rip isn't here."

Ray rolls his eyes.

"Kari, I'm captain."

"Oh that's right!" I clap a hand to my forehead in shock, "Funny! It must've just slipped my mind! I'm glad I have you here to remind me, every four seconds."

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