Get Out of Jail Free Card

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"Missed me?"

My eyes snap open.

"If it makes you feel better then sure."

I hear Mick growl back to Snart.

I strain to sit up in my bunk but I can't.

I don't have the strength.

"S-s-sn-" I whisper. My voice is weak and barely audible.


"Raymond and Jones in there too?"

"Rookie is here but the girl is down the hall. Now get us out," Mick grunts back.

Metal scraping on metal echoes down the hall.

"What happened to you?" Snart asks hurriedly, "And why isn't Jones with you?"

"Slow down," Mick grumbles back as he steps out of his cell, "You coming Rookie?"

"I'm not staying here!" Ray says adamantly.

"Hurry up," Snart says impatiently.

"I'm coming," Ray replies.

Footsteps plod through the hall; drawing closer with every thud.

I groan in pain trying to sit up.

My muscles strain but nothing moves.

Ray's voice comes from outside my cell.

"She's in here. Kari you alright?"

I let out a small groan and twist my head to look at them.

Ray is pushed backwards as Snart clears his way to the bars raising his gun to blast the lock.

"Snart wait."

Snart turns to Mick; an ugly glare on his face.

"Mick we don't have much time before our cover is gone so whatever you're going to say, say it fast," he snarls at his partner.

Mick glances shiftily at Ray then back at Snart.

"Don't you think," he leans in lowering his voice, "Don't you think we should leave her behind?"

My stomach drops.

No. Not again. He wouldn't. Not after last time.

Ray hears this and stiffens. Instantly he turns around glaring daggers at Mick.

"WE'RE NOT LEAVING HER HERE!" He shouts in Mick's face.

Snart's eyes narrow and he pulls Mick slowly away from Ray.

"Mick; We're a team, right?" He asks putting an arm around his partner's shoulder.

Mick nods; his beady eyes still fastened on Ray.

"And as a team who usually makes the right call?" Snart continues.

Mick's face darkens.

"You," he grunts back.

Snart nods and turns back around to my cell door.

"Exactly, so if I say we're taking Jones so we are. Okay?"

Mick nods stiffly and stands back.

Snart smirks at Ray, who is still glaring at Mick, and pulls out his cold gun.

"Get up princess," he calls as his gun makes quick work of the rusty door.

Black forms are swimming in my vision and I can't focus.

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