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"STOP OR YOU WILL BE ANNIHILATED!" The robot bellows behind us.

"Yeah that's not happening," Snart mutters as he pulls us around another corner.

"Oh so you haves brilliant plan that doesn't involve us dying?" I snap as we sprint down another hallway.

"Jones, keep talking and you're not gonna have to worry about the Deathbot killing you."

"Was that a threat? I feel threatened!" I quote loudly.

Snart growls and yanks me down another corridor.

"You should, in case you didn't notice were being chased by an eight feet tall talking robot. Oh and it wants to kill us."

"Dear Odin," I say slowly, "Are. You. Serious? I-I didn't even notice! Wait is that what has been screaming at us for the past two minutes?"

Snart shoots me a glare that clearly says "shut the crap up" so I smile at him.

"STOP!" screams the robot.

I chance a look over my shoulder at it and feel a surge of pride. We're gonna make it. Either the thing is slowing down or I'm in a lot better shape then I thought I was in.

Suddenly, Snart halts and I nearly fall on my face. He yanks me upright by the hand and opens a door.

"A broom cupboard," I state tonelessly as I peek inside and I pull my hand out of his.

"It's a storage closet, Jones," Snart mutters as he glances back the way we came, "As big of a shock I'm sure it is to you, not everything has to do with Harry Potter."

"Said it like a true Malfoy," I smile back at him, preparing to start our run down the hall again.

But a firm hand on my back stops me.

"Snart-" I begin but he doesn't let me finish before shoving me inside the cupboard and following after me.


He presses his hand against my mouth as the door shuts behind him.

Soon were doused by complete and utter darkness.


I angrily shove his hand away but find that he's right up close and personal beside me. In fact he's practically squishing me against the bookcase that's in here.

Why would some idiot would put a freaking bookcase in a broom closet? I DON'T KNOW.

The small space does nothing to help my attitude so I decide to vent on Snart.

"No offense but I always hated Seven Minutes in Heaven," I growl at where I think Snart is standing.

A small chuckle from my left answers me and I shift awkwardly trying to get some space away from him.

"You played it?" Snart laughs quietly.

"No," I growl back, "I'm not the type of girl to hook up with a stranger in a frigging closet and just put myself out there like a freaking item!"

Snart doesn't answer right away. So he's either listening for the robot or trying to come up with a response to my remark.

Most likely the latter.

"I don't think anyone would make the mistake of thinking you're a item," Snart says in a surprisingly angry tone, "Unless they wanted to die premature deaths."

I smile slightly to myself in the dark, wondering whether or not I'd the one doing the killing. From his tone, I'd say no.

There's a long silence after his statement as we both get lost in our own thoughts.

I'm daydreaming about pie when I hear the stomping of the robot walk up to the door. I hold my breath, then let it out as the menace walks on.

"You said you would die for everyone on this ship."

Snart's voice startles me out of my thoughts and I turn to where I think he is.

I nod his direction then realize that's not gonna do crap since it's ridiculously dark in this tiny closet.

"Yeah, I did," I say in reply about four seconds too late.

Snart's quiet for a bit.

I actually think that he's not gonna say anything or change the subject or maybe make a snarky comment when he speaks again.


I blink in the darkness, turning the question over and over in my mind.

Why? Why would I sacrifice myself for these people? These lost, broken, imperfect people?

At the start of this adventure, I sure as heck wouldn't have given two craps about any of them.

But now...

After watching Ray's bravery in the Gulag, earning Jax's trust early on, becoming friends with Sara and Kendra and laughing with them over boxes of candy, seeing Stein stand up to Rip, laughing at Mick's dark sense of humor, losing Carter, learning to work with and follow Rip...

And most importantly, finding my feelings for Lenny. Every laugh, every sarcastic or witty remark, every smirk cast my direction, every kiss...they all played out in my memory as I pondered his question.

"Why?" I repeat slowly, "Because, I grew up without a family. My jump from teenager to an adult was practically overnight. Back then, I trusted no one. No one could get close to me. But now? After all this craziness? I've found a whole new family. And it's one messed up, insanely terrifying, family. But I wouldn't trade it for the world."

There's another long silence and I carefully reach out to find his hand.

The warm, calloused palm slides around my own smaller hand and clutches it tightly.

"There was a time when I'd laugh in your face for that," Snart says quietly.

I smile at that knowing there was a time I would've laughed in my own face as well.

"But now, I agree with you."

My smile widens and I lean against his shoulder, standing on my tiptoes in the dark to reach it.

He dips slightly so it's easier for me to reach and I gently nuzzle into the warm fabric of his shirt.

And together we stand in that closet, hand in hand, for once, in agreement.

As we hide from a murderous death bot.

Early update! Yay! I finished writing one of my other books so hopefully I'll be able to work more exclusively on this one!

On a different note, (as you may have seen from the picture), I have been writing another story. A Star Wars fanfiction. If anyone is interested in that, leave a comment! I'd love to hear your opinions! I'm not sure when the book will be really depends when I can get my computer to cooperate with Wattpad, and I can have the patience to do it. 😬

As always, comment your thoughts of the new chapter! And comment your thoughts about The Dark Side!


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