Welcome Back to Prison

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I think my brain is permanently damaged from all the freaking times I've been hit over the head. My head literally feels like someone hit it with a baseball bat over and and over again.

I moan in pain as I force myself to sit up.


An array of colorful words spew from my mouth as my head collides with the top of the metal cot I'm lying on.

"Jones?" Someone calls.

Peeling my eyes open, a barred doorway and and stone hallway slowly come into view.

"Jones? Is that you?"

"Karoline?" A new voice adds.

I push off the plywood "mattress" (like heck that's an actual mattress) and grab onto the bars. As I stand up I notice a white and surprisingly clean bandage wrapped across my midsection.

"Elsa? Raymond?" I reply to the other familiar voices.

"It's Mick," Mick Rory snarls from across the hall.

I grin as my eyes fall on Ray who's laying uncomfortably on the bottom bunk of their shared cell.

"Elsa! I thought I recognized your dulcet tones! Who else is joining us?"

Mick's face darkens.

"They got us, Rookie and Stein."

My smile fades.

They got Stein.

They're going to try to use him to recreate Firestorm.

He's not gonna talk though, I think trying to convince myself.

Then another thought crosses my mind; killing my hope.

They got us too. We're only alive to "motivate" him.

"Exactly, sweetheart," Mick says guessing my thoughts, "We're all dead."

I look up at him feeling the blood drain from my face.

"Enjoy whatever time you have left before they torture and kill us while trying to crack, Stein," Mick finishes before lying back down on his mattress trying to get more comfortable.

Goosebumps rise across my arms. But they're not from the cold. Even though my cell is below freezing temperature that's not the cause of my shiver.

"We can escape. We'll find Stein and get out of here," Ray argues sitting up on his bed. I can hear the creaking of the springs from his mattress all the way across the hall.

Mick snorts.

"Stein won't crack," I add confidently.

Ray bites his lip.


"He won't," I continue firmly as I turn away from the pair, "We may be a team but he doesn't care about us. He better not. Otherwise he'll crack."

Ray makes a slight noise but doesn't say anything.

I face the window feeling the bitter wind frost my cheeks.

"He better not," I repeat quietly.

AN-sorry this is short! I'm gonna try to post another chapter along with this one today! Stay awesome!

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