Sludge and Strangulation

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Lunch here sucks.

First off they give it to us OUTSIDE so were shivering our arses off because it feels like we're in freaking Siberia. The snow on the ground is soaking in my boots so my feet are practically icicles. AND (oh yes there's an 'and') there's about 30 of us prisoners here...all cramped in this crummy fenced in area. Oh and all of the people here haven't been exposed to deodorant for I'd guess about 6 years.

I might actually thank Vandal Savage if he just killed me now.

On second thought the food might do it for him. I'm positive that whatever they gave us to eat is actually 5% edible 95% rust from the pipes they scraped it off of.

"Thank you," Ray smiles as a guard dumps the mush onto his plate.

He looks down and his smile drops.

"Do you have anything els-"

"We're fine," I interrupt shoving him along as I hand over my empty plate.

Ray looks as though he's about to argue but I manage to pull him away from the man.

"Listen Oliver Twist, one thing you got to learn about prison is you take what you get and are happy with it," I snarl in an undertone.

Ray frowns as he pokes at his food.

"Okay," he replies begrudgingly.

Suddenly his eyes light up and he begins to search the crowd of people.

"What are you doing ?" I ask irritably as I scoop up a spoonful of mush. The stuff makes a squelching noise as it separates from my plate. A small sigh escapes my lips. At least Iron Heights gave out semi decent food. I can't even figure out what in the nine realms this is.

Mick joins us eating the food ravenously.

"I'm looking for Stein. He should be here too, right?" Ray replies but I shake my head.

"He's their precious little think tank; they'll make sure nothing happens to him," I explain as I inspect the grey sludge on my dirty spoon.

"What could happen to him?" Ray asks curiously as he takes a bite of his food.

His mouth puckers in distaste but he manages to gulp it down.

"Lots of things," I reply mirroring his actions and taking a bite of my food.

My tastebuds screaming in protest, I scoop up another spoonful of sludge.

"Who said you could eat, old man?" Someone snarls from behind us.

I send Ray a significant look as I turn to watch.

A huge Russian thug is glaring down at a small older man. The bearded older guy cowers and drops his tray before scuttling away in fear.

The thug turns to his buddies and they all laugh uproariously at the elder man's fear.

Disgust plants in my stomach but I know it's pointless to fight. I'm new so I've already got a target on my back. I don't need the bully picking me out already.


Mick groans beside me as Ray starts forward glaring at the thug.

"Ray," I warn but he ignores me as he straightens to his full height to stare the Russian full in the face.

"What did you do that for?" He asks angrily.

The huge bearlike man in front of him laughs and reveals that his mouth full of missing teeth.

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