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A suctioning noise stops him from saying anything and we both turn to look up at the door.

"Had enough couple bonding moments yet?" A sarcastic voice asks.

"T-too much actually," I mumble standing shakily to my feet.

I offer a hand to Snart which he ignores.

"T-took Raymond long enough," he mutters pushing past Sara out of the room.

I quickly follow him not about to get locked away again.

Sara shrugs.

"He almost didn't make it back. The oxygen levels in his suit ran out about three quarters of the way through sealing the breach."

"Idiot," mutters Snart under his breath.

I raise an eyebrow at Sara as I rub my hands together trying to regain feeling in my digits. We walk quickly along the grey hallways of the WaveRider towards the main deck where Ray and Kendra are.

"But he's okay now?" I question.

Snart shoots me a quick look and I roll my eyes at him.

Jealous arse.

"Yeah he's fine, Kendra's taking care of him," Sara smirks at the last statement and I smile back.

A new ship has sailed.

We enter the boarding room to see Ray in his ATOM suit on the floor with Kendra kneeling beside him. Kissing each other.

Sara and I turn to exit the room but Snart just leans up against the door post grinning.

"You kids need moment?"

The pair pull away, Kendra looking embarrassed and Ray looking dazed.

"Jerk," I mumble shoving Snart for ruining the pair's moment.

He shoves me back as Ray coughs and rubs his bloodshot eyes, tiredly glancing up at us.

"You're welcome by the way."

"Funny, I don't remember asking for help," Snart mumbles.

I send him a glare.

"It's true, Princess."

Rolling my eyes I turn back to Sara who is leaning up against the back wall staring around at us all with a smirk on her face.

"Did we get any more messages from the other ship?"

She shakes her head.


I nod slowly as I fold my arms across my chest.

"I figured as much," I mutter.

"Mr. Rory has arrived back on the WaveRider," Gideon's voice calls over the intercom.

I start in surprise and glance suspiciously upwards.

"Just Mick?" I say skeptically.

Snart sends me a glare as he pushes away from the doorway and turns out the door.

"Mick is smarter than he looks, Princess. He can cut a deal better than Captain Useless."

I snort and follow him out of the room.

"Captain Useless huh? That's a good one," I laugh.

Snart smiles slightly as I match his pace.

"How long did it take for you to come up with it? Three weeks?"

Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}Where stories live. Discover now