No Good Deed

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"EVERYONE MOVE!" Rip screams pushing my father out of the way of falling stone.

Ray yanks me backwards against him as stones and debris smashes the ground around us.

"DUCK!" He yells in my ear.

Closing my eyes I obey and he releases me. The sound of his blasts mixed with the sounds of smashing rocks pound in my ears.

Slowly I let my eyes open and I try to understand what is happening. Rocks continue to smash against the stone floor leaving gaping holes and huge mounds of debris. Glancing up I feel my heart leap to my throat. The ceiling is a huge jagged hole.

I look warily around and the dust begins to settle.

I can make out my father's figure struggling to stand up and immediately race towards him. Ignoring the barriers in my way which lift into the air and fall behind me with loud crashes, I stalk my prey.

Hearing the noises, my father turns around, his stupid cape twirling.

"Ah, now Karoli-"

I cut him off with a swift punch to his face. My knuckles split and his head snaps back.

"OW!" He gripes standing straight again, "That hurt, Ka-"

I let out a shrill screech and tackle him, dragging my fingernails across his chest. The cloth is thin and I can feel his skin beneath it. I dig my fingernails as deeply into his flesh as I can and twist.

He cries out and wrenches my hands away. Rolling over he frees himself from my grip. I crouch, about to spring when his foot collides with my stomach. My back rams into a fallen stone and I glower darkly at the man.

He slams my head back against the stone, hard enough to cause immense pain but not enough to knock me out. My wrists are forced above my head by his gloved hand. Leather caresses my face and I jerk my head attempting to free my face from his fingers.

He clucks his tongue at me, pinching my cheeks.

"Now, now, Karoline, who taught you your manners. Oh wait, was it your mother?"

I scream in anger and he tightens his grip on my forcing my arms farther back.

Why isn't anyone helping me?

"You're friends are all either dying or dead," he says as if he read my mind.

I struggle in his grip staring back up at him, hatred coursing through my veins.

"I. Don't. Believe. You," I snarl before spitting in his face.

His eyes become slits in his mask and he removes his hand from my face to wipe off his mask.

"You know," he whispers leaning close to my face, "Savage told me everything. I knew your mother was dead."

His breath fogs the edges of the mouthpiece on his mask and hits my cheek. I close my eyes tightly refusing to let tears appear.

"I only asked you if she was alive to see the pain in your eyes," he breathes.

My eyes flick open.

A scream of rage is torn from my lips and with a burst of power, my father is thrown across the room. He slams into the opposite wall with a crash and I get to my feet rolling my shoulders.

He struggles to his feet, a hand raised to wave me off.

I grasp the hand and bend the wrist back causing him to gasp in pain.

"I'm going to watch the life drain from your eyes," I hiss bending his wrist further, "Like a dying candle."

He laughs as I strain his wrist even more. A crack emits from his arm and I feel the bone snap under his skin. He inhales sharply but continues laughing.

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