Betrayal + Anger = Hate

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Nothing but blasted silence can be heard in this prison.

I can see why some people enjoy silence. It's peaceful. Nothing happening, no one moving, no one talking, no one screaming. Nothing but silence.

It's driving me mental.

My arms are aching from being stuck in the same position for the entirety of my capture. They started going numb about an hour ago so I've been trying to massage feeling back in my shifting around. I've also been trying to see if I can free myself  but I can't. The handcuffs Mick used are made to be scanned to be unlocked, so there's no blasted keyhole. Just my luck. My head is still pulsing from where Mick hit me and the blood has crusted to my temple, just below my hair line. Every time I move, trying to keep the blood flowing, my bruises sting with pain.

Snart hasn't moved for the past half hour and has just stared across the room at the wall, a dead look in his blue irises.

It's scaring me.

I guess I should say something but I won't. As relieved as I am that he didn't murder Mick, it doesn't hide the fact that he lied to me. Granted, he's lied to loads of people, however I thought I was different.

Perhaps that was a lie created by my own mind.


Rip's voice echoes through the room and I tense staring up at the screen Mick is operating. Snart blinks and looks up towards the voice.

"How kind of you to call," Rip says coldly, "However, not unexpected. So tell me where are they?"

"Alive," Mick replies gruffly, "But they won't be for too long."

"Unless I do what?" Rip snaps, "You obviously want to exchange them for something, so pray tell, what is it?"

"Lower your shields," Mick answers calmly, "And you might see them again."

"THAT'S UNREASONABLE!" Ray's voice cut through indignantly, "HE'LL KILL US ALL!"

"Lower your shields then we'll, talk," Mick says pressing a button on the consol.


The line goes dead.

Slowly Mick turns around pulling off his helmet and setting it on the console beside him, staring down at it.

"Mick, you don't have to do this," I say softly but Mick merely laughs.

"Actually, sweetheart," he says darkly, "I do."

"No, you don't," I snap back fiercely, "You're choosing the wrong side, Mick. It's not too late to turn back."

Mick is silent for a moment and a tiny part of me hopes he's suddenly come to his senses.

"It's been too late," Mick finally says, looking over at Snart, "It has been, ever since you left me back in the Vanishing Point."

The little hopeful part of me is crushed. Snart lowers his head to stare back at the wall.

"The WaveRider's shields have dropped," announces a bodiless A.I system.

I look upwards in surprise, recognizing the voice.

"Gideo-?" I begin.

"Gavin," Mick interrupts putting his helmet back on, "Get the ship closer so I can board."

"Gavin?" I ask curiously.

"My correct name is Greg," the A.I. replies.

"Shut up, Gary. Get the port ready."

"As you command, Chronos."

Mick strides past Snart and me to get his weapons. His footsteps echo through the small ship and I turn towards Snart endeavoring to gain his attention.


No response.

"Lenny," I repeat, a touch of anger in my tone.


"Leonard Joseph Snart answer me this minute or so help me-"

"What?" he snaps not looking at me.

Hurt floods my system at his harshness but I bury it within me. I wrap my fingers around the silver pole beside me, gripping it for support. The immediate coldness of the metal is relaxing against the contrast of my warm hand.

"We need to get out before he hurts anyone else," I hiss.

"Obviously but in case you haven't noticed, we're both kind of tied up at the moment," Snart says irritably.

A sudden urge to punch the man in front of me in the face, arises within me but I ignore the desire and merely tighten my fingers around the bar. My knuckles turn white as I grip the bar as hard as I can. Barely containing a scream of frustration I glower at Snart.

He's not even looking at me.

"Is that wall supposed to help us escape?" I snap about to lose my temper, "Or is it so fascinating that you can't look away from the stupid thing?"

Snart's eyes narrow.

"I, have accepted our fate," he replies coolly, "Unlike you."

"You're just giving up?" I retort, feeling outrage surge through me, "That's it? The great Captain Cold kidnapped by his halfwit ex best friend throws in the towel 'cause he got handcuffed?"

"I MESSED UP, JONES!" Snart bellows finally turning towards me.

I see the pain and built up frustration in his eyes.

"I LET HIM GO!" He yells his eyes sinking to the floor, "I betrayed him and let him go."

His shoulders drop and he lets his head fall back against the metal railing. Despair practically oozes off of him as he stares at the ceiling without really seeing it.

I let him have a few moments of self-deprecation before interjecting.

"Newsflash, Leonard," I say softly, "We all screw up."

Snart closes his eyes, a line appearing between them.

"This is different."

I scoff making him jerk up to glare at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did you leave your partner back in hell?" Snart snarls, his blue eyes flashing, "Thought not."

"True, I didn't," I say stiffly, "But I was often the one left in hell, thank you very much. So I understand what Mick is going through."

Snart stares at me.

"I doubt that," he finally says before turning away to look back at the wall.

I take a shaky breath and close my eyes.

"He's feeling betrayed, angry, but most of all hurt. You left him behind and didn't come back. It doesn't matter to him why you didn't come back. All that counts is that you didn't come back. He doesn't understand why you left him and that makes him angry. He's hurting, Snart. A lot."

Snart slowly lifts his head to look back at me, his brow furrowed.

"How do you know that?" he asks incredulously.

I swallow nervously.

"Because I felt the same way when you left me after the Particle Accelerator Explosion."

The door slides open and Chronos stalks back in holding a gun. He doesn't even glance down at us as he walks past.

"Don't go anywhere," he mutters.

Neither Snart nor I reply as the man exits the ship, leaving us alone.

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