Plans? Who needs plans?

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The city, once so peaceful and serene with its flaming buildings and destroyed streets, is now alive with activity.

Barely three blocks away from the ship I can hear the shouts and crashes from up ahead.

I know for a fact, from what I gathered after meeting him on two previous occasions, that Wilson is a total drama queen.

So that means that if he still has (and hasn't killed) Ronnie then he will have a public execution.

Which I am going to disrupt.

Creeping forwards, I stay with my back parallel to the shadowy buildings; praying no one will see me.

I suddenly stop short and hold my breath.

A dark shape is outlined against the wall in front of me. The person is breathing heavily and keeps jerking their head around the corner.

Almost as if they're waiting for someone...

"Sara!" The person hisses, "Sara get back here!"

Recognition flashes through me and jump forward and tap Ray on the arm.

He jumps a foot in the air before turning around to face me.

"SCREW YOU, KARI!" He gasps, "You gave me a heart attack!"

I snicker and glance past him looking for Sara.

"That's me; always here to keep you on your toes!"

"Or three feet in the air," Ray grumbles looking with me down the alley.


A slight thump interrupts me and I turn around grinning.

"There you are-"

"What. The. Heck. Are you doing here, Jones?" Sara snarls backing me into a wall.

"Uh well right now I'm hoping I'm not going to be murdered by an assassin," I joke as my back presses up against the brick wall behind me.

Sara doesn't smile.

"You know what I mean, Jones. You're going to get yourself killed out here!" She snarls poking me in my bandaged shoulder.

I withhold a hiss of pain and grit my teeth.

"So will you if you don't have backup!" I retort angrily.

She points at Ray.

"I've got him don't I? And he, unlike you, isn't injured!"

I roll my eyes.

"Wilson is gonna have the whole city out here, Sara. You're going to need more than just Ray. I don't care how good you are. You're never going to get Ronnie out and not die in the process without backup," I finish crossing my arms across my chest stubbornly.

Sara sighs and steps back.

"Fine. Stay and get killed. But know that it's not just me and Ray taking on Wilson."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Wait what?" Ray asks before I can, "Who else did you-"

A masked man walks silently out of the shadows. Dressed in tight red and black leather the man pulls a bow off of his back and fits an arrow. Arsenal glares at us both from underneath his red hood.

"Are we going to do this or not?" Roy growls.

Sara nods.

"Yes we are."

I look over at her with a small smirk on my face.

"So what's the plan?"

*Twenty Minutes Later*
Of all the stupid plans I've seen in my day this one takes the cake.

Why did we let the fearless, ex league of assassins member come up with it?

Actually the better question is why did we agree to it?

I heave a long sigh and keep walking towards the loud voices up ahead. Someone is bound to catch me soon. Unless they're really thick.

So most likely, I'm never gonna get caught.

"HEY YOU!" Someone yells.

Look at that I got two blocks away from the town square before they found me! They should get a lollipop!

I hold out my wrists.

"Clap me in irons," I say sarcastically.

The man who spoke squints at me and raises his gun.

"Parley?" I question.

He pulls back the trigger.

"Okay never mind," I growl.

With a crack the bullet flies towards me and I drop to the pavement out of the way.

He aims again but I flick my wrist at him. I was trying to get the fling gun away but only manage to make it wobble feebly in his grip.

"Well this sucks," I mutter dodging another shot.

I leap at him and kick the gun from his hand managing to send it clattering to the pavement.

He clenches his hands into fists and lunges but I sidestep him and slam my fist into his temple as he passes by.

Like a sack of potatoes the man hits the ground with a loud thump.

"Hopefully that attracts someone," I grumble wiping my cracked knuckles off on my torn jacket.

Sure enough two other men in deathstroke replica masks come racing down the sidewalk towards us.

I raise my hands over my head.

"I can lead you to Red Arrow and the other fugitives!"

The clicks off the guns erupt around me but one of the men calls for the others to stop.

Heavy footfalls echo around the empty block as he walks over and grasps my chin turning it to face him.

His pudgy, unshaven face is surrounded by matted red hair. Fire glints in his brown irises as he stares me down.

"I saw her earlier," he comments tilting my head from side to side, "She was with the English man and the blonde.

Dropping my chin he walks away back towards the other guy.

"We take her with us."

The other guy snatches up my arms and hauls me towards the glowing heart of the city.

Part one of Sara's plan has worked.

The bait has been caught.

Now let's see if Wilson falls for it; hook, line and sinker.

ITS SATURDAY!!! YAY!!!!!! I only have a freaking 20 page lab report due Monday but HAHA guess who's not finishing it until Sunday night! Jk probably today......ish...


I was freaking was soooo good...AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I need to write a lot to catch up...says the queen of procrastination....sigh....

Anyhow...comment what you think is gonna happen when Snart sees Kari again! THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO VOTES AND COMMENTS AND EVERYTHING!!! You readers are freaking amazing!!! 😁


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