Wallet Pilfering 101

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"We're breaking into the pentagon?"

Everyone is congregated around a table on the time ship. I swear excitement never dies in this place.

Rip turns to me and scowls when he sees the candy bar in my hand.


"That's great, Rip," Snart says sarcastically, "Do you have a good plan this time?"

Rip glares at him.

"Last time, Mister Snart, let me remind you, that it wasn't MY PLAN," he snarls back.

Snart rolls his eyes.


"How do we get in?" Stein asks stopping any other arguments.

Rip smiles across the table at him.

"I'm glad you asked, Doctor."

A crunch echoes around the room and everyone looks at me.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Kit Kat anyone?"

Snart rolls his eyes.

*The Pentagon*

"This is stupid," Ray mutters as he dunks his mop in the bucket of soapy water.

"You would know all about stupidity," mutters Snart.

I sigh and accidentally run a dirty hand through my hair.

"Shut up the both of you," I growl under my breath as I wipe my filthy hand on the ugly blue janitor's suit. We borrowed these from three former janitors. They're exploring a locked closet right now.

Snart shoots a glare at me but I just smirk at him.

"We need to "borrow" a magnetic key card to access the files on Savage," announces Rip over the mic.

"How-" begins Ray but Snart stops him.

"Old school way," he smirks, "Watch, you might learn something."

Snart lets his mop hit the floor just as a blonde in a tight skirt walks by.


She slips on the water and falls but Snart catches her by the waist.

"You alright, ma'am?" he asks in a low voice.

Her eyes flick to his lips then up to his eyes again. A piece of hair slips out of the bun onto her forehead.

"I-I- slipped," she whispers through her perfect pink lips.

My chest tightens as Snart sets her gently on her feet.

Wait what am I thinking?

"Watch your step," Snart smiles his blue eyes devoid of emotion.

Shaking my head to clear it I hear the blonde mumble,

"Thank you."

"Just doing my job," he answers cooly.

I watch as his hand slowly makes its way to his pocket. Then quick as a flash it's by his side again.

Clever boy.

The blonde blushes and walks away quickly obviously flustered.

Grinding my teeth I turn to Snart.

"Well done, you just got yourself a stalker," I growl.

Snart raises an eyebrow at me.


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