The Most Dysfunctional Team EVER

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I'm so sorry about the weird updates and repeats or out of order crap...Wattpad has been acting up for me and I've been accidentally uploading the wrong chapters...sorry!
Here's the newest chapter! This better be right...Thanks for the positive comments and patience!

*The WaveRider*

"So aside from a possible case of hypothermia we got nothing," Raymond sighs as he sits on a heater in the main room.

I don't look up from polishing my knives as I answer.

"I stole her keycard to Luskavic labs, remember?"

A soft "oh yeah" comes from his corner.

"Oh and her wallet," I add lifting a scarlet leather pocketbook up in the air.

I hear Ray sigh in disapproval but no chuckle from Snart. Glancing over at him I see him frowning stoutly at his cold gun refusing to let the smallest of smiles creep out. His eyes are hard as he studies his weapon.

"Where is the card?" Rip Hunter asks edgily from where he is standing behind his chair.

I jerk my thumb over my shoulder at Snart whose gaze doesn't leave his cold gun.

He throws the card at Rip who snatches it out of the air.

"All yours, boss," Snart drawls twisting his screwdriver.

Rip glances it over and holds it up to a monitor.

"Set a course, Gideon."

"As you wish, Captain."

"You three are going to this lab along with Mr. Rory," Rip states stiffly.

"What happened to Ja-"

"Jackson will be fine, he just needs some time to, recuperate, from his injuries," Rip says interrupting Ray's question.

Oh yeah that's a whole other story. Guess who got another visit from Boba Fett? Yeah half our team. Jax got hit hard and Stein gave him a whole lot of crap for it too. Now they're not talking and everyone who didn't fight is ticked off at Rip.


"I'm going too," Doctor Stein argues as he enters the room.

Mick follows Stein inside and heads automatically over to Snart.

"No Doctor St-"

"I am going whether you want me to or not!" The old man argues fiercely, "Have YOU studied thermal nuclear physics for 40 years, Mister Hunter?"

Rip snaps his mouth shut and glares at the elderly man.

"That's what I thought," Stein huffs.

I roll my eyes.

This is going to be a great team. A pyromaniac (who is probably the only person in our little group that I get along with), an irritable arse (three guess who?), an old self obsessed know it all, and an idiot who's going to get himself killed.

"If Savage is working on a nuclear weapon; I am the best suited for this particular mission!" Stein continues adamantly.

I glance at Rip silently begging him to say yes just so we don't have to listen to senile gramps whine.

"FINE!" yells Rip glaring daggers around the room, "ANYONE ELSE HAVE ANY DEMANDS?"

"I'd like a fire pit in my room," Mick says grinning.

The look Rip sends him causes the smile to slide right off his face.

"You asked."

Rip growls.

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