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Sara stirs from across the room and gingerly sits up. She rubs the back of her head and peers at me.

"What happened?"

I say nothing just stare at the person in the doorway.

"You got thrown into a wall and dum dum froze up. Oh and I just saved both your sorry butts," Veronica Palmer says with a grin.

I keep still staring at her, opened mouthed and can see from the corner of my eye Sara gaping as well.

"This is where you say "Thank You"," Ronnie adds with a raised eyebrow.

I glance at Sara and she looks back at me.

"I don't know who you two goons think you are or who the crazy chick was but you need to get out of here before I call the cops. Or worse!" Ronnie threatens.

Sara and I trade worried looks.

"Listen, Ronnie-"

"How do you know my name?" The girl snaps automatically.

I mentally curse myself.

"We've already met."

"No we haven't," she counters pointing the piece of metal that she used to fire the laser with at me.

"We meet in the future!" I retort.  Then I mentally face palm.

"Oh really?" Ronnie asks, sarcasm practically dripping from her words, "And I'm guessing you took a magical phone box to get here too?"

I roll my eyes at her.

"Don't be ridiculous. We took Jack Harkness's teleportation device."

"Okay that's it looney birds, final warning," Ronnie says quickly, "Get out now before I fire this," she pauses, "Thingy."

I snort.


"Shut up!" She growls pointing it at me, "Let go of my brother and get out!"

"Okay! Okay!" I reply raising my hands over my head, "Odin's eye we're leaving! Heaven knows what will happen if you fire your deadly button at us."

Ronnie's eyes narrow as her fingers twitch on the button.


"Out! Yes we know!" Sara says irritably, "You're welcome for saving your brother."

"I SAVED HIM!" The girl tells back as the door shuts behind us.

Chortling, we walk back to the WaveRider.

"She was so young," I say thoughtfully, "Gee I wonder if she's gonna remember me."

Sara shrugs.

"I doubt it. She shot at you in 2046 remember?"

I nod as we walk onto the WaveRider.

"Yeah but still."

Both of us walk into the WaveRider and the metal door slides shut behind us with a suctioning noise. Our feet gently clink on the metal railing as we head towards the main control room.

"But don't you think she might remember me just a bit? A smudging?" I ask slowly.

Sara laughs and playful smacks my arm.

"Drop it!"

Rolling my eyes, I waltz into the control room to see Rip and Snart at each other's throats.


"YOU SENT HER TO FIGHT THE PILGRIM ALONE?" Snart was practically yelling.

"Yes, Snart. I sent your girlfriend to fight the Pilgrim alone because I'm an utterly irresponsible captain!" Rip snarls in reply, his dark eyes flashing.

Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}Where stories live. Discover now