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"BRING IT!" I roar racing towards the men.

They all let out different yells of rage as they draw out their various weapons.

Suddenly an arrow cuts through the air and slams into the guy on the right. It slices right through the front of his throat stopping him short. His eyes widen as he tries to stem the bloody gash at his throat but it's pointless. The blood already has coated his fingers and front.

As he collapses the second guy stops. His blood mixes with his partner's as he collapses on top. The third guy falls a millisecond after and the forth...well number four decided to look to see what happened to the other guys...

He won't be seeing anything for a while...

Number four screams in agony as he falls to his knees groping the black feathered end of the arrow protruding from his right eye socket. Scarlet trickles around the slit and streams down the side of his face like tears.

"YOU'RE WELCOME...AGAIN!" Ronnie shouts before landing beside me and kicking a man trying to get on the platform in the face.

"What is it with you and SCARRING ME FOR LIFE?" I roar as two men begin trying to kill me.

She laughs as we fight back to back.

"You owe me, Jones!"

Knives swirl in the air and punches pummel the space around me until finally both men lie at my feet with knives sticking out of their chests.

I puff out a breath of air and turn around.

"Yeah sure i-"

I stop.

Ronnie's bow lies forgotten on the ground. Bloodstained arrows lie around it. My eyes slowly migrate away from it to find her.

Travis has Ronnie held tightly against him; his knife glinting in the moonlight against her throat. Ronnie has her eyes squeezed shut  refusing to flinch as the knife slowly drags across the base of her neck. A short scarlet line follows the path of the knife.

"STOP!" I cry reaching a hand out.

The knife does waver to a stop but whether it's by Travis's doing or my own remains un-clear. Ronnie's face is pale beneath her mask and I can her body convulsing slightly in Travis's grip.

She's scared out of her mind.

Travis's gray eyes are wide and full of madness.

"Stop? Stop? What is stop?" He asks abstractly, "Are you going to give me orders to? Orders? I need orders."

He shakes his head like a dog before looking back up at me his eyes pleading.

"I need orders! GIVE ME ORDERS!" He shrieks madly.

Ronnie winces as the knife digs into the tender flesh of her neck and I take a hesitant step forward my hand still outstretched.

"I will! Okay? I can give you orders, Travis," I say quickly, "First drop the knife."

"Drop, drop the knife," he whispers his eyes overly bright, "Drop drop the knife."

"That's right, Travis," I murmur taking another step closer, "Drop. The. Knife."

Travis nods.

With a clang the bloodied knife hits the ground.

I see Ronnie take a deep breath of relief. Her body still trembles but her eyes are open and alert.

"Good," I whisper, "Now let her go."

"Let, let, let her go," Travis repeats slowly.

"Uh huh, just let her go," I say encouragingly.

Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}Where stories live. Discover now