First Kiss

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The footsteps cease apart from a few loud stumbles and muttered curses as people hit each other.

"Someone go check over by that car."

"Well crap," I mutter preparing to jump up.

"Way to go Jones," Snart breaths.

"Get ready to fight, Lenny," I retort.

I nod at Mick.

"You too Reverse Elsa."

He glares at me but I ignore him.

"I'll be the distraction shall I?" I ask sweetly.

Snart opens his mouth to argue but I jump up anyway.

"PLEASE DON'T SHOOT!" I cry weakly covering my eyes with my hands.

Gun clicking noises erupt all around me but a voice stops them from pulling the trigger.

"Hold your fire, lads."

I peek out through my fingers at the speaker.

It's the dude I noticed first. The one with the katana. Slowly he reaches up and pulls off his mask revealing a young face.

I lower my hands and shape my face into a surprised look.

His jawline is sharp and his forehead broad. A lock of greasy black hair falls dashingly across it as he grins wolfishly at me.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He asks taking in my whole body with his hungry grey eyes.

My face turns red and I force myself to shyly smile back at him.

"I-I got lost," I mumble as I twist my fingers into knots.

"Well, we can't have that can we?" He asks taking a step towards me, "What's your name, Love?"

My face turns a deeper shade of red and I see Snart tense beside me in his hiding spot.

Down boy.

"Kari," I mumble, "Kari Jones."

"Well Kari," the dude purrs drawing nearer, "You look much to innocent to be wandering around the city alone. Why don't you come with us and we'll find somewhere safe for you?"

Safe? The dude has a FRICKING katana and power practically radiates off of him. It's obvious that he rules this city. The safest place is AS FAR FAR FAR AWAY FROM HIM AS I CAN GET.

But I can't exactly tell him that so I just mumble a soft;


His smile widens as I slowly walk away from the car. And closer to him.

He reaches a hand out to stroke my face and I resist the urge to pull away.

"So innocent," he mutters, "So out of place."

I manage a small strained smile as he cups my cheek.

Oh Odin please no not-

His foul lips press roughly against my own.

Wow all those years in junior high dreaming about my first kiss really seem like a waste of time now. Curse daydreams of sunny beaches, beautiful sunsets and romantic dinners. When someone asks me "Do you ever want to relive your first kiss?" I'm going to say "No. Because it was with a bloody murderous, psychopath, who doesn't know what toothpaste is."

I mean honestly someone get this guy a tic tac.

Pulling away the man smirks devilishly back at me.

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