The Masked Menace

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"This is just great," I mumble under my breath speed walking down the hallway next to Snart.

He chuckles slightly at this.

"We have a psychopath running around the ship hunting us, the only thing that can tell us where said psychopath is got deactivated and to cap it off our entire team is missing!" I growl irritably.

"Always can count on you to brighten my day," Snart replies.

I punch him in the arm as we round another bend.

"LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS DEACTIVATED!" A metallic voice announces.

"That doesn't sound good," I mutter.

"Thank you captain obvious," Snart mumbles taking my hand and practically dragging me down the next hallway.

"Okay one, it's captain awesome, get it right. Number two, since when do you do the hand holding? That's MY job and number three oh what was it again? Oh yeah, LEGGO OF MY HAND!"

Snart's grip merely tightens and he nearly pulls my arm out of its socket as he yanks me onto the main deck.

The doors slide shut behind us with an ominous click. We turn around to see Rip and Ray crouching behind chairs.

"Ah look who decided to show up!" Rip Hunter calls across to us, "Little late but better than never!"

"Took you long enough!" Ray yells indignantly, "What took you-!"

A crashing noise echoes through the room and the lights flicker. Snart and I both duck instinctively and turn towards the door behind us.

"Where are the others?" I call over my shoulder to Ray still keeping a close eye on the door.

"Hiding in the bunk areas," Rip supplies quickly, "The life support system is back online, thanks to Mr. Jackson."

"He didn't stay to fight?" I question as the door rattles again.

Snart pulls his gun from his holster releasing my hand.

"Stein forced him to stay with the rest of the group," Ray explains, "Sara wanted to stay too but we told her if we died we needed someone responsible to take over."

I roll my eyes as Rip sends Ray an annoyed look.

"Yes, that's exactly how it transpired," he adds sardonically as the door shudders again.

We all jump and I move to stand beside Snart.

"We should open the door," Ray announces when the vibrating door stills.

"Oh yes, let's just let that monster waltz in and kill us all that sounds like a great plan, boy scout," Snart mumbles.

Ray shoots him a glare.

"I meant let's surprise him by opening the door and attacking him all at once."

Rip nods in agreement and stands up clutching his laser gun.

"It could work," he said briskly, "I'll open it."

Snart makes a small noise of disapproval as Ray moves to stand beside us.

"On the count of three then," Rip says trading determined glances with everyone.

Snart's face is impassive and he clutches his gun to his chest, aiming at the silver door.


Ray stands straight his armor glinting in the light.


I take in a deep breath summoning my powers. My eyes flick open focusing on the door.


Rip slams his fist to the button on the side of the wall and the door slides open. We all fire away our different weapons into the hall. Ice, lasers and energy blast the vacant walkway.

After two seconds we realize our mistake.

"Well that worked well," Snart mutters.

Ray sends him a glare.

"Oh like you had a better idea, Snart-"

A roar of rage echoes down the hall and we all turn in surprise to see Chronos himself leaping into the room. Rip is the first to react and fires his pistol at him but the laser is deflected off of Boba Fett's suit and slams into the floor with a fizzle of sparks.

"Well crap," I say gaining Boba's attention.

He raises his gun but I duck out of the way. The laser smashes into the wall behind me, leaving a dark mark.

"Missed!" I yell over to him.

He ignores me and turns to Snart who is raising his gun to shoot. The sound of a laser being fired echoes through the room and I watch in horror as the beam smashes into Lenny's chest, sending him flying into the opposite wall.

"SNART!" I scream lunging for him.

Chronos turns to me and fires but a metal suited man leaps in front of me taking the shot. Ray falls to the ground his suit sustaining heavy damage. I crouch beside him, ready to protect him if necessary as Chronos stares down at me.

I swear I can see his beady black eyes peering back at me through his stupid mask.

Familiar, black eyes.

Very, familiar, black eyes.

My heart stops.

The sound of his gun firing doesn't reawaken my senses. I don't move as the laser from his gun flies directly towards my heart.

Somethings hard slams into my side shoving me out of the way of the laser.

Rip lands on top of me crushing the air from my lungs. We both stare in horror up at Chronos as he stalks over raising his gun.

The gun fires and everything goes black.

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