A Stolen Kiss

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*The Opera House*

"I have visual on her, she's headed towards you, Raymond," Snart says over the comm.

I glance over my shoulder at his position in the corner. He's dressed in a tux with a navy blue bowtie arranged perfectly at his neck.

A tall brunette in a seductive scarlet dress glides past him barely casting a glance his direction.

I turn back around and grab a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter.

"Here she comes," I whisper in the comm.

Snart meanders his way over to me and plucks the drink out of my hand.

He sips it casually as I peer in Ray's direction hoping things are going well.

"He's going to screw this up," Snart drawls handing me back my now empty glass.

I glance at it and hand it off to another waiter.

"He might not-"

"He will."

I glare at Snart.

"Since when do you have such little faith in him?"

He quirks an eyebrow at me.

"Since when do you have so much?"

"Touché," I mutter as I gently press my earpiece so I can listen in on Ray's conversation.

"I'm prepared to donate a vast sum of money to your research if you are willing to go to dinner with me," Ray was saying.

I groaned mentally but kept up the facade that I'm a happy guest at this stupid opera.

Snart leans forward as if to whisper something in my ear but says in the mic,

"Careful, Raymond, you'll scare her off."

I pretend to laugh at something he said and playfully push his shoulder.

"He's right," I say through clenched teeth.

I glance over and see the women roll her eyes, turn on her scarlet nine inch heels and leave Ray in the dust.

"Oh, even for a Russian, that's cold," Snart smirks as he turns away and begins to walk towards Vostok.

My heart clenches but I force myself to look away and focus on a drunk couple giggling in a corner.

"Is this this man bothering you?" Snart asks over the mic.

"Don't trifle yourself," the woman replies cooly, "I'm no damsel in distress."

"Good," Snart drawls, "cause I'm not a white knight."

As I pretend to fix my hair in a mirror I can see her eying Snart up and down. The pair chatters on about the play and I try to ignore the hatred growing in the pit of my stomach.

Then the woman says,

"I've seen the play so many times, perhaps you would not mind walking me home?"

My teeth grind in anger.


I look back in my mirror and see Snart leading Vostok by the arm outside. She's all fluttering eyelashes and calculations.

I wonder if she saw right through us...probably Ray...but Snart?

I clench my fists in my jacket as I exit the building. IT IS FREAKING -20 DEGREES OUT HERE!!! With a disgruntled huff I follow Snart and  Vostok from a distance.

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