The First Wave Hits

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Well apparently, I was not the only victim.

That became apparent when I got to the top deck and saw several things at once.

Jax covered head to toe in what looks like maple syrup, Mick with two black eyes and Sara's hair dyed green. Rip and Snart appear unharmed and both Stein, Ray and Kendra are missing.

"And I thought someone putting tape across my doorway was bad," I say as I walk up.

Everyone turns and glares darkly at me.

"That's all that happened to you?" Jax asks incredulously.

I eye him carefully and take a swift glance around at everyone else before responding.

"If I say yes, will you all jump me?" I say slowly.

The glares I receive answer for me.

"Well then no, I also got shot twice and my toothpaste was exchanged with Peaches and Cream lotion and lemme tell you, it may smell like Peaches and Cream but it sure doesn't taste li-"

"Bull," Sara interrupts as she crosses her arms across her chest, "I bet you were the one that did this to us. Heck you might've even lied about being tripped."

"Jones, can't lie to save her life," Snart cut in, shooting a particularly dark look my direction, "She most likely tripped over air."

"Hey! I resent that!"

"So you're telling me, that goldilocks over here set up those tin cans in the galley to hit me in the face?" Mick says ignoring my outcry.

Sara and Snart nod slowly, glaring steadily at me.

"Nothing happened to you," I say irritably gesturing to Snart, "So why are you grumpier than usual?"

His lips form one straight thin line as he crosses his arms across his chest.

"Someone, you most likely, stole my parka," he says slowly.

My eyebrows rise to my hairline and a smug smile crosses my lips.

"Someone stole your precious coat?" I snort, "You're sure you didn't just lose it?"

His dark eyes narrow.

"I didn't lose it."

"Okaaaay," I said rolling my eyes as I looked back around the room. I blink.

"Where are-"

"Stein's clothes all magically disappeared and Kendra got locked in the cargo bay."

"But Gide-"

"Gideon got hacked and can't speak anything but Russian," Jax interrupts as he crosses his arms across his chest

I glance at Sara.

"That doesn't seem too bad can't Sara-"

"Gideon speaks Russian backwards," Mick growls, "And in a Spanish accent."

"French actually," Snart adds.

I blink.

"Well that sucks," I say slowly. Then a thought crosses my mind.

"Hang on a second. Can't we trace the computer our hacker used to screw up Gideon?"

Everyone's eyes fall on Rip.

"It could work," he says slowly, "Possibly."

"Well then why aren't you doing it?" Snart asks rudely.

I stifle a laugh as Rip glares at him.

"I was waiting to see if anyone wanted to volunteer, Mister Snart," He sniffs back in his posh British accent.

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