No one Gets Left Behind

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If you've ever gotten lost before, you know the feeling of dread. Possibly, you know it really well depending how long or how big the place is where you were lost. Time moves monumentally slower and the place seems to swallow you whole causing you to start to panic or worse, lose your head completely.

But I would bet that not many of you have been on the opposite side of the spectrum.

The side that's responsible for the person lost and all but destroying everything in their search trying to find whomever it is they lost.

Unless they're trapped and unable to escape, let alone search, for whoever they lost.

Let me you, it's not a fun feeling.

It's tearing me apart.

Jax is gone. Guards finally found us and have us trapped in this room. We managed to keep them out but don't know for how much longer. They're are too many of them.

From the look in everyone's eyes, I can see that they think this is it. Our last stand.

And honestly, it just might.

"Miss Jones!" Rip's sharp tone, raised over the sound of the soldiers pounding on the door.

I push off from my spot on the floor beside Kendra and Raymond, heading for the captain. It's hard to keep my feet from dragging.

Snart, Mick and Sara are standing, armed, at the door. Sara shoots me a quick smile but fades from her face. I nod at Snart, whose eyes linger on me before flicking back to the door as the pounding continues. Mick's sultry face glares back at me as my eyes slide over him. Rolling my eyes, I stop in front of Rip.

"What is it?" I ask quietly.

Rip glances at the door and the threesome guarding it, then looks back at me. He takes a deep breath and frowns.

"We're going to have to fight our way out as I'm sure you're aware," he begins, glancing again at the door. His blue irises flick back to me. "If the chance arises, I want you to escape with Mr. Palmer, if possible, and get to The Oculus."

"What about Jax?" I snap back, folding my arms across my chest. Leaning back on me heels, I glance at Stein, who hasn't moved from his position on the floor since it was decided that we weren't going to search for him. His grey eyes are shut behind his glasses but I can see the tear marks on his cheeks.

Anger flares within me, overwhelming my anxiety for Jax.

Rip sighs and makes a steeple with his hands before placing them over his beard, clearly trying to avoid looking at me.

So I take a step forward, my eyes boring holes in his forehead.

"I said, what, about, Jax?" I say slowly.

His fingers slip from their tower and crumple over his nose.

"I don't know, Karoline!" Rip snaps back.  He steps away from me, dropping his hands to his sides. "I simply do not know where he his therefore DO NOT see how we can get him back!" 

Swallowing my sharp words, I hold my ground and raise a shaking hand to point at him.

"I will help you get us out of here and I will destroy The Oculus." I decide not to figure out how and somewhat hesitantly add "somehow!" To which Rip winces.

"But you have to do something for me."

Rip's face pales slightly but he nods for me to continue.

"You will save Jax." I raise my hand jabbing my finger at him with each word. "And. You. Will. NOT. Leave. Without. Him."

Rip nods again.

"Promise," I threaten.

"I promise not to leave Mr. Jackson behind," Rip replies meekly.

"Good," I say quietly. I drop my hand to my side, preparing to turn around and head back to my spot on the floor.

"One more thing, Miss Jones."

Containing a groan, I turn back to face Rip. He smiles somewhat deviously.

"How would you like to lead our offensive strike against The Time Masters?"

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