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"What's going on Rip?" Snart drawls in a disinterested voice.

Rip glances over at him but doesn't leave his spot in front of the holographic table. Sara is leaning over the table on her elbows with her chin resting in the palm of her hand. Mick is sitting in one of the seats to the left of them shooting angry looks at everyone.

"Wait till the rest arrive," Rip replies coldly; his eyes fastened on the screen.

Snart frowns but for once doesn't argue as he makes his way over to the other end of the table staring down at the map.

I join him and find myself zoning out as I watch the high tech thingymabobs flicker and beep up at us.

"What's going on?" Ray asks walking in side by side with Kendra.

Me and Sara trade significant looks and Kendra coughs awkwardly interrupting our silent conversation.

She sends an embarrassed yet slightly amused look as Stein and Jax troop in.

Rip takes a deep breath and quickly clasps his hands together.

"As you all know we haven't been going anywhere and have been stationary in space for a while."

Everyone nods in agreement and Rip continues.

"Some of us have been dealing with this lack of activity-," he pauses and his eyes slide to Mick, "-in unusual ways."

I snort and Mick glowers at me.

"As I was saying," Rip sends me a glare which I tactfully ignore, "We have been passing through peacefully and undisturbed on our brief hiatus from activity. Until now."

Everyone's heads snap towards him.

"Until now?" Ray questions worriedly, "Is someone after us?"

"If someone with malintentions  was indeed after us wouldn't they have already tried to attack?" Stein suggests looking to Rip for support.

Rip nods and looks back down at the table.

"Doctor Stein is correct on some points. A ship has indeed spotted us-"

"Good or bad guys?" Jax interrupts.

Rip runs a hand over his beard nervously licking his lips.

"That is the question isn't Mr. Jefferson?" he sighs staring around at all of us, "The ship is a Time Ship like the WaveRider."

Eight sharp intakes of breath split the silence after this statement.

A Time Ship? Is it Boba Fett? A new trap? What?

Rip looks around at everyone's worried faces before continuing.

"The ship has let off a distress signal and I recognize the captain. She is a Time Master named Eve Baxter. Her ship, The Acheron, is adrift in space not far from us."

"Sounds like a trap," Ray butts in glancing around for anyone to contradict him, "Doesn't it?"

Obviously, Boy scout.

Rip clears his throat stopping any arguments.

"Be that as it may, I have decided to leave the decision up to you all. Do we investigate it? Or pass her by?"

Silence falls over the table as we all trade furtive glances with each other. My eyes meet Jax's dark brown orbs and I see a sort of determination simmering beneath the surface. I tilt my head in confusion but he tears his gaze away.

"She's in trouble though?" He blurts out.

Everyone else turns to towards him and the tips of his ears darken in embarrassment.

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