The new girl

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Aurora's: POV

I knocked on the door and waited. A woman opened and looked at me. "Hello, my name is Aurora and I'm new here." I said and smiled. "Welcome Aurora, I hope you'll enjoy your time here." she replied. "Thank you." I said and walked into the classroom. Everyone was looking at me.


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"You can sit next to Vanessa." said Jenna. I went to my seat and sat down. "Nice hair color." replied Vanessa. "Thank you." I said. "I haven't seen you here before." she replied. "I've just moved here with my dad and papa. I live on a circus so we travel a lot." I said. Her eyes was wide open. "You live on a circus?" asked Vanessa. "Yes." I said. "That's awesome." she replied.

"Where do you live?" I asked. "I live a little out of town in a big white house with my dad, papa and my little sister Emily." said Vanessa. "I've heard about her, is she better?" I asked. "She has terrible nightmares and she's talking about a man without a face." said Vanessa.

"Do you mean The slender man?" I asked. "Who's that?" she asked. "He's known for stalking, abducting or traumatizing children. He's wearing a black suit and he has no face.

The Slender Man is often associated with the forest or abandoned locations." I said. "So you mean that Emily actually met him." replied Vanessa. "Yes." I said. "I need some air, excuse me." she replied and ran out of the classroom.


I was sitting on the ground in a dark alley and ate a human. Blood was dripping from my lips. I love being evil and dangerous. I'm not the one you think I am.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

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Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

Aurora seems kind but she's not

I hope you liked the chapter


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