I don't feel anything

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Adam's: POV

I was lying on the road and waited for a car. The rain was pouring down. Then I heard a worried voice and the person came up to me. "Omg, are you okay?" asked a man panicked. "I don't feel anything." I said. "I have a blanket in the back seat." he replied and hurried back to his car.

I rushed up to him and he gasped

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I rushed up to him and he gasped. My eyes turned red and I emptied him off blood. "Nice car." I said. I hid the body before I drove off to a nightclub.


"Hello Adam, ready for tonight?" asked Katie. "Yes I am." I said with a smile on my face. We walked to a bar and partied.

"Come, I'm hungry." I replied and we went to a group of people and drank their blood. "This is life." I said. "I agree." she replied. I wiped away the blood from my mouth and we hide the bodies. We walked back and partied until dawn. "We have to do this more times." I said. "Of course, I had a lot of fun." replied Katie.

I'm still in party mood." I said. "Me too." she replied. We arranged a party at her manor and invited people.

"No one is allowed to leave this place, or you'll be killed." I said warned. They nodded. I put the music on high volume. "Hello there handsome." I said. I kissed him roughly. "Ow, you bit my lip." he said. "Did I?" I asked with a smirk and rasied an eyebrown. "You scare me." he said and took a step back. "You should be." I replied evilly and emptied him off blood. I love being wild and free. Love is waste of time anyway.

My heart breaks for Adam

I hope you liked the chapter


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