He doesn't exist

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Adam's: POV

Come little children. I'll take thee away, into a land of enchantment. Come little children the time's come to play, here in my garden of shadows.

I woke up in cold sweats and I was breathing heavily. It was just a nightmare, a horribe nightmare. I took a deep breath to calm down.

Emily's three porcelain dolls were positioned facing me on top of my nightstand. I let out a sigh. Emily had probably woke up early and put these here.

I took them and went to her room. I opened the door and found my daughter sleeping. I just shrugged and placed the dolls back on the shelf. I went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water.

Emily came down a few mintues later. She rubbed her eye sleepy, maybe she didn't sleep well either.

"Emily honey, did you put your dolls in my room this morning?" I asked. She was silent for a minute. "Slender man did it." said Emily. I rolled my eyes. "Well, you tell Slender man to keep the dolls in your room." I replied. Emily nodded.

"Morning everyone." said Luke. "Morning, darling." I said and gave him a kiss. "You're okay?" he asked worried. "Just a bad dream." I said. "Vanessa had a nightmare as well." he replied. "You're safe now, sweetie." I said comforting. "I saw a clown and he was laughing evilly." she sobbed.

"Emily, don't scare your sister like that." I said with a stern voice. "I haven't done anything." she replied. "Don't you see how scared she is?" I asked. "The slender man forced me to stab Lucy, I didn't mean it." she said. "Can you stop talking about him, he doesn't exist." I replied upset. Emily grapped her jacket and ran out.


Zac's: POV

After we had threw a body in the lake, we saw a girl with pink hair. I couldn't believe my eyes.


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"Aurora." we said. "Dad, papa." she replied and hugged us. "We've missed you so much." I said. "I've missed you two too." she replied.

I feel for Emily

I hope you liked the chapter


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